My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 156 Why Didn't You Tell Me?

Chapter 156 Why Didn't You Tell Me? (9)

After that, he put the phone on the table for Li Ruobei, and he turned around and said to the two bodyguards, "It's okay, I'm just kidding! You guys go down! By the way, I'll call someone to clean the room later."

"Yes." The two bodyguards bowed to them, and left the room as if fleeing in the next second.

For a while, the ward fell into silence. Han Che cleared his voice properly, and asked, "Are you still angry?"

The expression on Li Ruobei's face was still cold. Instead of answering the call, he picked up the broken mobile phone from the table, and then shook the back of his head directly to Han Che.

Han Che twitched his lips, and continued to ask, "Brother Bei, what on earth are you thinking? Back then you left the country without saying a word, and it took another 6 years to go abroad. If you hadn't sent me an email before returning home , I thought you had forgotten about my brother!"

After a pause, without giving Li Ruobei a chance to speak, he added, "Also, the main purpose of your coming back this time is nothing more than Yu Niannian!"

After a long time, Li Ruobei didn't answer. Just when Han Che thought he would continue to pretend to be dead, a cold voice sounded.

"It's really what you said. I really don't remember you during the time in country M, and I only remembered it later." As the words settled down, Li Ruobei opened his eyelids and looked at Han. Che.

Hearing this, Han Che frowned, and said in disbelief, "Brother Bei, this joke is not funny at all!"

"I'm not joking." Li Ruobei looked at him with firm eyes, and it was time to tell him something.

"No... No, just based on your words, I have to trust me!"

Li Ruobei stared at him steadily for a few seconds, then took the tablet from the bedside table, and without speaking, he quickly swipe on the tablet.

After about a minute, he handed the tablet to Han Che, and said calmly, " can see for yourself!"

Han Che took the tablet suspiciously, moved his gaze to the screen, and was immediately attracted by the big titles...

He suddenly raised his head, looked into Li Ruobei's eyes, and stared them incomparably wide... Then he looked at the screen again.


Before going out, Yu Niannian dressed herself up in full armor, and after making sure she couldn't tell it was her, she took out the mask from her bag and put it on, and then went out with the bag in her hand in satisfaction.

The apartment Zhang Jiayue lives in is in a good location in the city, with several bustling streets and several large supermarkets nearby.

Even though it was very close to the supermarket, but thinking that she would have to buy a lot of things later, she was a girl and couldn't carry so much in her hands, so Yu Niannian drove out by herself.

Since today is Saturday, the time period from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm in the supermarket is the most crowded time.

Crowded, the scene can be described as very lively! !

I don't know what happened, when Yu Niannian came to the supermarket and was pushing the shopping cart to go shopping, the noisy crowd disappeared in an instant, except for most of the people in supermarket clothes, there were only two or three people left. A few sparse people are picking things in the huge supermarket.

I can't tell what's wrong, but seeing that there are people shopping like her, Yu Niannian didn't think about it deeply, and just regarded it as a coincidence...

There are few people, which is exactly what she wants, isn't it?Don't worry, you will be recognized suddenly when you are shopping, which will cause some unnecessary troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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