My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 502 You Are Really Stupid

Chapter 502 You Are Really Stupid (3)

Zhang Jiayue shivered again!

And at this moment, the cell phone that had just been thrown out rang again. She frowned suspiciously, and turned over the cell phone that was on the table. She thought it was a call from Yu Niannian, but But there was a word jumping on the screen - 'Che'.

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Jiayue pressed the answer button immediately, then raised it to her ear, "Hello!"

"Jiayue, are you busy now?" Han Che on the other end of the phone asked while driving.

Zhang Jiayue's mind moved, she glanced at the tall pile of documents on the desktop, and then said against her will, "Not busy, not busy, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing. I just wanted to treat you to dinner. I don't know if you will appreciate it or not." Han Che put his hands on the side of the car window, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing his good mood at the moment.

Zhang Jiayue cleared her throat, and said pretending to be serious, "Then see what you invite, I don't go to ordinary restaurants."

"Don't worry! It's still the one you love the most." After a pause, he added, "You can go downstairs now! I'm near your company."

"Okay, see you later!" After speaking, Zhang Jiayue bit her lip lightly with her teeth.

"OK Bye Bye!"

It wasn't until the phone was hung up that Zhang Jiayue quickly put away the phone, took out the bag from the drawer, then rummaged around and took out some cosmetics, and began to touch up makeup on her face in the mirror...

Two minutes later, when the assistant saw her coming out of the manager's room, he immediately stood up from his seat, and then asked Zhang Jiayue, "Manager, are you going out?"

"That's right." Zhang Jiayue responded to him with a smile, then looked down at the watch on her wrist, and then added, "It's almost time to get off work, you should pack up and go have lunch!"

"Okay, thank you manager." The assistant bowed to her.

Zhang Jiayue was also in a great mood, and when he turned around, he left him with a happy back.

Arriving at the elevator entrance, the elevator soon stopped at her floor...

However, when the elevator door opened, an unexpected figure stood inside.

The smile on Zhang Jiayue's face froze at that moment!
How could Zuo Ziyu take the employee elevator?Doesn't he have a special elevator?What's the fun with the employee elevators?So is she on now or not?

Seeing that the person standing outside the elevator was Zhang Jiayue, Zuo Zikai's originally gloomy gaze immediately brightened, and a hint of being at a loss flashed past...

Recently, Zuo Zikai would come here to take the staff elevator, no matter when he got off work at noon or in the afternoon. He didn't understand the purpose of this.

Maybe, just to meet her by chance!
Zuo Ziyu's hand in his trouser pocket couldn't help but let it go, his lips moved a few times, and just as he was about to say something, the other party's voice came from his ear——

"Hello President!" Zhang Jiayue bowed to him, then walked in cautiously, and then stepped aside.

Faced with such a distant address, Zuo Ziyu's words were stuck in his throat before he could escape, and his hands vertically on both sides suddenly clenched tightly.

His heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something, and with the vigorous pinching, there were sharp pains, which made him unable to breathe...

Zuo Ziyu tried his best to suppress his emotions, then through the reflective elevator car,

(End of this chapter)

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