My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 507 Dad Will Revenge You And Mom

Chapter 507 Dad Will Revenge You And Mom (3)

Li Ruobei walked to the seat opposite her and sat down. After thinking for a long time, he said, "Nian Nian, I'm going back to BJ today. I have something to do with the company, so I can't stay here with you anymore."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Niannian paused while eating, and felt a little sad when he heard that he was going back to BJ. It seems that he took such good care of him these days that he forgot about his illness. But judging by his current appearance, he should be almost fine.

Yu Niannian put down the knife and fork in his hand, then smiled at him with his lips drawn, "It's okay! I have Xiaohuan and Kevin here, so you can handle your own affairs with peace of mind!"

"Are you so happy to hear that I'm leaving?" Li Ruobei narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I'm not happy, do I want to cry?" Yu Niannian gave him a very speechless look, paused, she seemed to remember something, and then asked, "By the way, are you working in Li's now?"

In fact, she has always wanted to ask this question, but she didn't find the right time before!

"No!" Li Ruobei shook his head at her. To him, Li Shi is just a dispensable existence. He doesn't want to have anything to do with 'it', and he doesn't bother to have anything to do with 'it'!
After hearing his answer, Yu Niannian was immediately a little confused, "You don't work for Li Shi, so what company do you work for now? Also, Song Qian and the others call you BOSS..."

Li Ruobei laughed softly, and then said mysteriously, "Want to know? After you return to BJ, I will take you to visit my office in person."

"Who said I'm going..." Yu Niannian's cheeks flushed slightly, she lowered her head a bit, and then murmured, "It's like I'm a housekeeper!"

Even though the voice of the last sentence was very low, it still fell into Li Ruobei's ears verbatim, and then he teased the woman in front of him, "Isn't it good to be a little housekeeper!"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Niannian was like a lion whose fur had exploded, and immediately snapped back, "You are the housekeeper, and your whole family is the housekeeper!"

Nonsence!Now that she is married to Li Ruobei, she can be considered a part of his family!Why did you get yourself involved!

"All right, all right, you are the boss of our family, you can do whatever you say." As soon as the words fell, he was immediately killed by Yu Niannian's cold stare.

At this time, there was a sound of a sports car turning off in the courtyard, and it was hard to figure out who was back with his toes.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, a man and a woman came in from the outside, carrying several breakfasts in their hands...

Seeing that Yu Niannian and his wife were having breakfast, Cai Xiaohuan trotted over. Perhaps because she didn't come home last night, she buried her head low, and then whispered something to the two people at the table. , "Nian Nian sister, brother-in-law!"

Li Ruobei gave a faint 'hmm'.

Yu Niannian narrowed her eyes slightly, looked her over carefully from top to bottom, and then asked, "After the press conference yesterday, where did you two go? You also had a night out... "

After a pause, she didn't wait for the other party's reaction, and immediately added, "Say, how far have you two developed?"

She knew that Sister Nian Nian would think wrongly, Cai Xiaohuan's facial features suddenly twisted into a ball, and then explained to her anxiously, "Sister Nian Nian...I...I am not in the relationship with him as you think,

(End of this chapter)

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