My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 514 Shen Xinmei Was Expelled from the Crew

Chapter 514 Shen Xinmei Was Expelled from the Crew (3)

"Sister Xinmei, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." The assistant continued to apologize in a low voice, but unexpectedly, Shen Xinmei waved her hand suddenly, and in the next second she slapped him hard on the face...

There was a clear sound in the corridor, not only the person involved was stunned, but also Yu Niannian and the others were shocked. They did not expect that Shen Xinmei would be so cold-blooded towards her assistant.

If you say hit it, you hit it, if you say it, you slap it, don't look at the occasion, the assistant's face may be lost!
Before the assistant came back to his senses, another high-spirited voice came from his ear—

"Kneel down and apologize to me, otherwise today's matter will not be over." Shen Xinmei's voice was so loud that it attracted all the nearby staff members to look at the man and woman, but no one wanted to go up I mean to help!
After the assistant heard this, he tried his best to suppress his temper, and the two hands hanging by his sides trembled visibly. He suddenly clenched his hands into fists with force...

After some mental struggle, the assistant still chose to compromise. Who made him have no money and power?In today's society, without these two things, you will live like a dog, at the mercy of others, what are you talking about about self-esteem? !

Just as the assistant was about to kneel down, Yu Niannian couldn't stand it, and suddenly stepped forward to stop him, "Miss Shen, he said just now that he didn't do it on purpose, and he also sincerely apologized to you, why do you have to talk to him?" Isn't it so fussy?"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Xinmei immediately turned her face to look at her, and then reprimanded, "What the hell are you? I'm teaching my employees, why are you here to join in the fun?"

After speaking, Shen Xinmei pulled her lips and chuckled again, and then added, "I still feel that my scandal has been cleared up, so you are protesting with me?"

"You... are simply unreasonable!" Yu Niannian knew that she was unruly and willful, but she never knew that she also had the ability to turn right and wrong.

Yu Niannian's voice fell into the ears of other staff members, and they all echoed, "That's right! Shen Xinmei is so unreasonable, what's going on, why do I have to force my assistant to kneel down and apologize?"

"Look at her high-spirited appearance, she doesn't pay attention to anyone at all! It's just arrogant."

"Relying on the fact that her parents are movie kings and queens, they are domineering in the entertainment industry. Now that she has been exposed to so many bad habits, I think her good days are coming to an end."

"That's right, even if she has parents at the level of actor and actress, so what, it won't be difficult for her to turn around in the future!"

"I heard! Shen Xinmei was able to come to our film crew to play the role of the third female role, and it was all due to her parents' relationship. Otherwise, with her poor acting skills, do you think Director Sun would want her?"

In the crowd, I don't know who gave a cold 'hum', and then said, "What's the point of relying on parents to get the role? Still, Director Sun kicked him out of the crew..."

"That is, if you have the ability, rely on your own efforts to fight for it! What's the matter with relying on your parents!"

Although the staff's voice was low, it still fell into Yu Niannian's ears word for word. What does it mean to be kicked out of the crew by Director Sun?
Before she had time to think about it, she looked at various items scattered on the ground...

Could it be that Shen Xinmei was really kicked out of the crew by Director Sun?The situation has developed to such a serious point.

(End of this chapter)

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