My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 517 I’m His Father

Chapter 517 I’m His Father (2)

"Sir, I'm really sorry!" The bodyguard hung his head in embarrassment...

Ning Siheng had specifically emphasized to them that no matter what, Ning Dongquan could not be allowed to step into this ward, otherwise the two of them would be unable to eat and walk around.

What can they do?
"What do you mean by that? Is it really determined or I will go in?" Ning Dongquan spoke with a hint of warning.

"Sorry!" The bodyguard bowed to him respectfully.

In the ward.

Due to the good sound insulation, the people in the ward could vaguely hear the quarrel outside, but they couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Mrs. Ning frowned, looked at her son suspiciously, and asked, "Si Hang, what's going on outside? It seems that someone is arguing at the door."

"Mom, it's okay, the bodyguards will watch and deal with it." After speaking, the corners of Ning Siheng's mouth slightly raised, revealing a casual smile.

He looked at the dozens of missed calls in his phone, and said coldly, "It's not so easy to see my mother!" '

About 5 minutes later, the quarrel outside continued. Mrs. Ning was worried about what happened outside, so she said again, "No, I have to go outside to have a look. What if something happens?"

Seeing her getting up from the bed, Ning Siheng immediately stretched out his hand to hold her body down, what a joke, that person is his father, if he just let her go out like this, then all he did would be in vain Yet?
He was determined to beat Ning Dongquan severely, how could he be so cheap?

"Mom, lie still and don't move. I'll go outside and show you the head office, shall I?" Ning Siheng calmly took in all her reactions...

Mrs. Ning paused when she got up, and then she lay back on the bed again, "That's fine! You go out and have a look, but don't fight with others! If you have anything to say, talk about it."

"Okay, I got it!" Ning Siheng covered her with the quilt, then got up and walked out.

Ning Dongquan, who was in a rage at this time, saw the door of the ward suddenly opened, and the person who came out was Ning Siheng. The fire in his heart rose up, and then he opened his mouth and roared at him, "Ning Siheng Hang, what are these two things you got? Even I can't go in?"

"Dad, keep your voice down! My mother is sleeping! You want to wake her up?"

These words really worked. After Ning Dongquan heard it, he immediately restrained his angry look!
Ning Siheng led him away from the corridor a little further away, and then asked him, "Dad, what are you doing here?"

"You little bastard, if I come to see my wife, should I still report to you?" After a pause, Ning Dongquan continued to complain, "You still have the face to ask me this, otherwise the two things I just did What does it mean to enter the ward? Did you order it?"

"Well, that's what I ordered." Ning Siheng didn't hide anything.

"" Hearing his generous exposure, Ning Dongquan's face turned red immediately, and before he could speak again, Ning Siheng interrupted his thoughts and explained, "You want to see my mother , That's easy! Ask Ning Yiyi to apologize to Mom, and as for grandma, she is the elder, and we can't ask her anything."

"What do you mean?" Ning Dongquan was a little confused, and then guessed, "Did something happen between them?"

"You guessed right. The reason why Mom was hospitalized is all related to them. Aunt Lan told me everything she saw."

 ps: The way these two fathers and sons get along is quite funny, I don't know if you like it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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