My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 522 The wedding date is set for next month

Chapter 522 The wedding date is set for next month (1)

The answer Ah Wen gave him was still similar to what Ah Xiu said. After Li Ruobei heard this, he felt a little restless in his heart. If the hit-and-run was not caught for a day, he would not be able to sleep at ease every night!

For a moment, the car was filled with low air pressure. Song Qian and Ah Wen in the front seat held their breaths, not even daring to take a breath.

This gloomy atmosphere was finally broken when the car arrived downstairs at the company!
Li Ruobei and Song Qianyi entered the lobby on the first floor one after another. A few employees who were deserting at the front desk saw Li Ruobei's figure suddenly appearing in the company, and they were shocked. After a few seconds, they finally realized , all bent down to greet him, "Boss, good afternoon!"

When passing by, Li Ruobei didn't even bat an eyelid, and went straight into the president's special elevator...

It wasn't until they heard the sound of the elevator door closing that the front desk staff slowly raised their heads, then took a long breath, and then said in their coats——

"Did you see it just now? The face of the boss is so scary! It can freeze a person to death."

"Looking at the gloomy look on the boss's face, could something happen to the company?"

"I don't know, I didn't hear the people above say it!"

While they were chatting with each other, a figure suddenly appeared behind her. She cleared her throat first, and then reprimanded, "What are you all doing? Do you dislike the work I arranged for you?" The amount is too small, so you are so free to talk about the president behind his back?"

As soon as these words came out, the front desk staff turned around slowly, then laughed a few times, and said awkwardly, "No... no, Sister Hailu, we're just working, we're just working..."


After Li Ruobei returned to the office, he always felt empty in his heart, unable to do anything, and finally took out his mobile phone and called Yu Niannian who was far away in Shanghai...

On the other side, Yu Niannian just picked up the phone and was about to send a text message, asking if he had arrived in BJ, when the phone rang, and she pressed the answer button without saying a word, "Hi! Have you arrived in BJ, haven't you? "

"Well, I've been at the company for a while, but..." Li Ruobei's voice stretched the last word too long, Yu Niannian felt a little uncomfortable, so he interrupted him, "It's just what?"

Through the receiver of the mobile phone, Yu Niannian heard him chuckle a few times, and then what came to his ears was, "It's just that I miss you very much, and I wish I could catch you back to my side right away!"

After hearing this, Yu Niannian felt her heartbeat gradually speeding up, and her cheeks became slightly hot...

This man is flirting again!

Li Ruobei paused, and then asked her on the other end of the phone, "What about you? Did you miss me? Huh?"

When he pronounces this 'hmm' in a nasal voice, there is always a seductive smell, it sounds so sexy, people can't help but want to pounce on him! !
This thought flashed through Yu Niannian's mind, and she was taken aback by herself.

God!Yu Niannian, what are you thinking?How could a girl from every family have such unreserved thoughts?

Forget, forget it quickly!

Yu Niannian sighed unintentionally, but the heart of the man on the other end of the phone was aroused. He asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

"!" Yu Niannian replied with a guilty conscience, if this man knew what he just thought, maybe he would laugh at her!

 ps: Huahua would like to wish the children's shoes of the college entrance examination all the best, and get the title on the gold list!
(End of this chapter)

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