My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 537 Do You Still Have a Conscience?

Chapter 537 Do You Still Have a Conscience? (3)

"That's fine! I will find a time in the next two days to come to propose marriage. If there is nothing else, let's do it first! I have to go to Li's to discuss this matter with your uncle." Yang Meiqin was about to hang up the phone when suddenly Then he was interrupted by a voice from the receiver, "Auntie, wait first..."

Yang Meiqin paused, then put the phone back to her ear and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Auntie, because Ruobei is very busy these days, my mother is hospitalized again, so... I would like to invite you to accompany me to pick out the wedding dress. I wonder if you have time." Ning Yiyi asked in a probing tone .

"Okay! When the time comes, tell me a time, and I'll just pick it up with you." Although Yang Meiqin doesn't like her very much, she is the one who is going to marry into the Li family after all, so she can't leave her alone no matter what. aside!

If those eight wives find out about this, they will have to grab the conversation again.

Hearing this, Ning Yiyi jumped on the spot happily, "Okay, thank you, auntie."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Yiyi was so excited that she couldn't control herself, she rolled on the bed, her mind was full of fantasies about the scene of her wearing a wedding dress and being held by her father as she walked across the red carpet.

Ning Yiyi smeared on the bed for a long time, then got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower, then changed into a set of clean clothes, took her bag and was ready to go out.

When she came down to the first floor, she saw Ning Sihang rushing back in a hurry, and Ning Yiyi who was in a very good mood, so Yang Shou greeted him, "Brother, you're back!"

When Ning Siheng saw her face, his jaw visibly tightened, his lips were pursed into a straight line, his expression looked gloomy and terrifying, he walked up to Ning Yiyi, without saying a word, he waved his hand and hit her hard. It hit her face, and there was a loud 'pop' in the living room...

Ning Yiyi's face was turned to one side, her head was a little dazed, and her mouth was filled with the smell of blood and rust.

At this time, Mrs. Ning came out of her room and happened to witness the whole process. Seeing that Ning Yiyi was slapped, her face immediately changed drastically, and she shouted at Ning Siheng from a distance, "Siheng, What are you doing here?"

Hearing this majestic voice, Ning Siheng remained unmoved at all, his sharp eyes stared straight at the so-called 'sister' in front of him, and the stern aura emanating from his body made people feel creepy and cold...

After a while, Ning Yiyi put her hand on her painful cheek, she turned her dazed head, opened her eyes to look at Ning Siheng in front of her, and asked, "Brother, why did you hit me? "

With her words, her eyes filled with tears.

"Because you should fight!" Ning Siheng's two hands hanging by his sides were tightly clenched into fists, like a lion ready to attack, and would tear the woman in front of him off in the next second.

The tears in Ning Yiyi's eyes fell down 'patta patta', and she looked at Ning Siheng with a look of reluctance, so she roared, "Why? Why do you hit me? You said ah?"

The bag in Ning Yiyi's hand hit him one after another, but Ning Siheng stood motionless on the spot, allowing the other party to vent.

At this time, Mrs. Ning also approached the two of them, stretched out her hand to hold Ning Yiyi who was out of control, and then said distressedly, "Yiyi, quickly show grandma your face, does it hurt?"

Seeing that it was Mrs. Ning, Ning Yiyi immediately threw herself into her arms, and then complained, "Grandma, brother, he hit me, and I did nothing wrong. Why did he hit me?"

(End of this chapter)

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