My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 539 Do You Still Have a Conscience?

Chapter 539 Do You Still Have a Conscience? (5)

After Ning Siheng heard this, the hands hanging on both sides tightly clenched into fists, and he clenched so hard that the veins on the back of his hands stood out suddenly...

A wave of anger has accumulated from the hospital until now, and at this moment it is finally uncontrollable and about to explode!
"Grandma, is my mother your daughter-in-law? You use such vicious words to curse her. Is this what you should say as an elder?" His mother has been married to the Ning family for so many years, how much has she done for the family? ?How much did you contribute?But why are some people just not seeing it?

Ning Siheng pulled his lips and chuckled, feeling unworthy for his mother in his heart.

"How can I treat my daughter-in-law? It's not up to you, a junior, to tell me what to do?" Mrs. Ning didn't think she had done anything wrong. The mistake was letting Chen Rong marry into the Ning family.

Ning Siheng's face turned red, and suddenly he realized that no matter how much he told her, it was useless and could not change her view of his mother, so he sarcastically said, "You are an elder, everything you said is right, I It's treason for a junior to talk back to you. Okay, from today onwards, I will do what you want and move out of the Ning family with my mother, so that the Ning family will have nothing to do with it in the future!"

Without waiting for the other party's reaction, he cast his eyes on Ning Yiyi, and said, "Ning Yiyi, do you still have a conscience? Are all you have done worthy of your own conscience?"

"Why do I have no conscience? It's obviously not my fault, why do you have to blame all of this on me?" Ning Yiyi still looked pitiful.

"Ning Yiyi, I really don't know if you are really stupid or not. You think you can really marry Ruobei if you conspire with Mrs. Li to plot against Ruobei? You know that my mother and I will not agree to this marriage , so in order to achieve my own goals, I deliberately provoked conflicts between my mother and grandma, and drove my mother out of the house, so that your scheme can succeed, you say... am I right?" Ning Siheng's eyes were icy Han, he couldn't help but doubt in his heart, is Ning Yiyi his sister?

How could the Ning family produce such a stupid person?
Perhaps it was because her mind was exposed, Ning Yiyi's face suddenly turned pale, and the hands hanging on both sides were trembling faintly, but on the surface she kept trying to be brave, "You... what are you talking about? I can't hear you. Understand."

After finishing speaking, she took a special look at Old Madam Ning, and found that she didn't react too much, and felt relieved a lot.

"Whether you really don't understand or pretend to understand, only you know best. My ugly words are up front. If you want to marry Ruobei, I will be the first to disagree. So, this wedding will eventually It ended in failure, try it if you don't believe me." Looking at her, there was a hint of warning.

"Why? I have liked Ruobei since I was a child. I have liked him for more than ten years. Why can't I marry him? You can give me a reason?" Ning Yiyi clenched her hands tightly into fists. Because of this, the long nails sank deeply into the palm of her hand, but she didn't feel the pain at all, and she just kept confronting Ning Siheng!

"Do you still want me to tell you the reason?" Ning Siheng smiled, and then explained slowly, "The person Ruobei likes is Yu Niannian, and everyone in the No. [-] Middle School knows why you still To be stupid?"

Yu Niannian, Yu Niannian, Yu Niannian again! !
When Ning Yiyi heard her name, she yelled like crazy, "No! Ruobei likes me,

(End of this chapter)

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