My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 543 Missing You on Day 1

Chapter 543 Thinking of Your First Day (2)

After reaching a conclusion, Li Ruobei immediately got up from the chair and followed into the lounge.

Seeing Ning Siheng sitting in front of the round table, pouring wine into his mouth glass by glass, he sighed, and then slowly walked to sit opposite him.

Ning Siheng opened his eyelids to look at him, then raised his goblet to him, and asked aloud, "Do you want a drink?"

Li Ruobei raised his sword eyebrows in response, then he took out his wine glass and poured himself a glass. He didn't gulp down like Ning Siheng did, but raised his head and took a small sip... …

"Can you tell me, what happened to you and Yiyi recently? Why did she arrange this wedding with your mother? Also, have you really been together?" Ning Siheng stared straight at He looked, as if looking through his face to get the answer he wanted.

"No, even if I don't remember anything at the time, I have never been with her from the beginning to the end. All of this is just a scene directed and performed by Ning Yiyi and my mother." Speaking of this, Li Ruobei's dark eyes flashed a ruthless look.

After listening to his words, Ning Siheng felt confused. In addition, he drank a lot of wine just now, and the alcohol began to come up little by little, so he didn't understand what he was talking about. Don’t remember?’, can you make it clearer?”

Facing his question, Li Ruobei just smiled and then stood up slightly. Under the gaze of Ning Siheng, he walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer and put a document bag and a tablet computer inside. He took it out, and then handed over the file bag to the other party.

"What... what's in here?" Ning Siheng asked puzzled.

Li Ruobei didn't answer directly, but pointed with his chin, motioning him to see for himself.

"Really, why are you so mysterious!" Ning Siheng complained, while opening the file bag in his hand, and then pulled out the stack of files inside...

Ning Siheng frowned just seeing the large English fonts that were deepened on the first page, and quickly turned to the second page. The content he saw next seemed to be shocked by the body, and his eyes were shocked. Unbelievably wide-eyed, his eyes were fixed on the document, and he couldn't get back to his senses for a long time!
Li Ruobei probably guessed that he would have such a reaction in advance, so he acted quite calmly, then lowered his head and unlocked the tablet in his hand, then opened a document on the interface, and pushed them in front of the other party together! !


Since the crew fired Shen Xinmei, in order not to delay the crew's progress, the director quickly invited another actress to play the third female role.

Since Yu Niannian has never worked with her before, and has never met her in other events, she doesn't know her.

When the actress first arrived, the director called everyone over to introduce them, and at the same time introduced some of the main actors to the actress, including male one female first and male two female second, and then they started the greeting mode on their own!
The group chatted happily, the director called Yu Niannian and Gu Chen over, and the three began to exchange scripts.


BJ, DK Group.

Ning Siheng read the two documents, and then looked at Li Ruobei in shock, he opened his mouth, and it took a lot of effort to make a sound from his throat, and asked, "What's going on? Is it because of this that you went abroad?"

While speaking, Ning Siheng petted him and raised the document in his hand...

(End of this chapter)

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