My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 549 Missing You on Day 1

Chapter 549 Thinking of Your First Day (8)

Yu Niannian and Cai Xiaohuan, who were walking in front, looked at each other and said in unison, "Is there nothing I'm hiding from you?"

As soon as the words fell, the two changed their shoes and rushed up the stairs, leaving Kevin, who was still at the entrance, carrying a luggage bag and looking confused, and asked their backs, "Hey! I said you run away!" What! There is no man-eating lion behind..."

There is no man-eating lion, but there is you! !

The two secretly slandered and didn't intend to stop because of his words.

"You two, you haven't said where my room is yet! Stop right now and don't move any of them." Kevin stood still and was a little mad.

Hearing this, Yu Niannian slowed down, then turned around and only showed him, "Xiao Huan and I live in the two rooms on the right, and there are two rooms on the left, you can choose which one you want to live in." All right, as you like!"

"It's getting late, we'll go back to the room to rest first, if you're thirsty or hungry, there's everything in the refrigerator, bye!" After speaking, Yu Niannian stepped on the stairs and went upstairs with a 'clack'.

Watching their backs disappear into the corridor, Kevin pouted and complained pitifully, "Two little heartless people abandoned me as soon as they got home..."


Yu Niannian and Cai Xiaohuan returned to their rooms one after another. After a day of work, everyone was a little tired, so they planned to take a bath and lie down on the bed to rest.

When Yu Niannian was lying in the bathtub and taking a bath, she always felt that something was weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

She wanted to lie in the bathtub and take a good bath, but she had to get up quickly because of her psychology.

Drying her hair with a hair dryer, Yu Niannian went straight to bed, smelling the smell of Li Ruobei on both the quilt and the pillow, the yearning for him became more and more obvious in her heart, so that she felt empty in her heart.

During the day when she was busy with work, she could still focus on filming, but now in the dead of night, Yu Niannian's mind is full of his shadow...

Without waiting for her to think about it, her hand was ahead of her brain, and she took the mobile phone that was locked on the bedside table, turned on the screen, and found that it was already past ten o'clock, "It's already so late now, I don't know he's asleep No."

Yu Niannian hesitated for a while, and with a 'click' sound from the phone, she turned off the screen again.

Just when she was about to put down her phone, the phone rang suddenly, and then she saw the screen, which showed a video invitation from Li Ruobei.

Without any hesitation, Yu Niannian instinctively pressed the answer button.Soon, the faces of the two appeared on the screen...

"Honey, what are you doing? Have you had dinner? Are you hungry now?" Li Ruobei smiled at her in the video.

Hearing the title 'wife', Yu Niannian was still a little unnatural, and two touches of blush immediately appeared on her face. In order not to let the other party notice the strangeness, she first cleared her throat, and then took his words, "I just came back I’ve eaten before, but I’m not hungry now, so even if I’m hungry, you can’t fly to Shanghai to cook for me!”

"Okay! My wife is right."

Seeing his background, Yu Niannian seemed to be the rest room she had seen at noon, and he was still wearing a shirt so late, so without thinking about it, she asked, "Have you not taken a shower yet? Are you going to stay overnight at the company?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Niannian realized belatedly, the words seemed a bit ambiguous...

(End of this chapter)

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