My Mr. Li is jealous

Chapter 554 Awards Ceremony

Chapter 554 Awards Ceremony (3)

At the same time, the man staying in the villa halfway up the mountain saw the two people getting into the car in the surveillance video. He felt his heart beating faster, as if it was the wedding night, waiting for the bridegroom to come out after taking a shower. Officer, there is a trace of ups and downs in my heart...

Maybe he sensed that the distance between each other was gradually shortening. Li Ruobei was both happy and nervous, so that his palms were covered with a thin layer of sweat. Seeing that the time was almost up, he got up and left the study room. In the living room on the second floor, he specially posed at a handsome angle and sat down on the sofa.

When Aunt Qiu and the servants saw this scene, they all hid their hands and started laughing, and then went about their own work, pretending that nothing happened!

10 minute later.

With the assistance of the bodyguards, Yu Niannian got off the viewing car, and Cai Xiaohuan, who followed closely behind, saw this beautiful villa and scenery like a magic castle in front of him, and his jaw was so shocked that he could stuff an entire egg...

"Oh my god! Sister Nian Nian, is this the home of you and your brother-in-law? It's heaven!" Cai Xiaohuan was really shocked by everything here.

Yu Niannian pulled her lips and chuckled, "It's not like heaven, I just feel that this place is too big. If one day I lose my temper and want to run away from home, I will have to work hard to get out, and my legs will be weak when I walk. !"

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. She has tried walking with her legs both when she left and when she came back, and the feeling is not too sour!

"Hearing what you said, it seems very reasonable!" After a pause, Cai Xiaohuan added, "However, there are obviously cars here, so why do you have to use your legs to walk?"

Yu Niannian, "..."

Grandma is a chicken leg, why didn't she think of this at the time?
At this moment, Aunt Qiu came out of the villa, followed by Ah Xiang and Xiao Min. When they saw Yu Niannian, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, they all happily called out to her, "Mrs. '.

"Aunt Qiu, how are you doing during this time?"

"Thanks to my wife's concern, we are all fine, but you and your husband are not at home, and the villa is much deserted."

During this period of time, Li Ruobei has been living in the company, and Yu Niannian knows this.

After replying, Aunt Qiu glanced at Cai Xiaohuan who was standing beside her, and asked, "Ma'am, the person next to you is..."

After chatting for so long, Yu Niannian suddenly realized that he hadn't introduced Cai Xiaohuan to everyone yet! "Aunt Qiu, her name is Cai Xiaohuan. She is my assistant and my sister. We came back to BJ this time because of the annual awards ceremony, so Xiaohuan will live with me in the villa for a few days."

"Oh! Alright, Miss Cai welcomes you to the villa. If you need anything, just ask us." Aunt Qiu politely extended her hand to her.

Cai Xiaohuan instinctively held her hand back, and then said with a smile, "Aunt Qiu is polite, just call me Xiaohuan."

"It doesn't matter, you are my wife's younger sister. According to the rules, you are the distinguished guest of our villa. How can we servants call you by your name casually?"

"But... I'm not used to it." Cai Xiaohuan scratched her neck with her hands. She was born in the countryside since she was a child, and she is used to living a casual life. Now she is not used to being honored by others and treating her like a young lady. That kind of feeling always feels weird.

Yu Niannian knew that Aunt Qiu always liked to use rules to explain things,
 ps: recommend a friend's article

  "Qing Chuan Meng Empress: The Emperor, Chase Chase" Author: Ye Tianyi

  From today to the Qing Dynasty, she has experienced 300 years of time travel, but in exchange for a whole body of dignity!

  "Don't you mess around?"

  "Why, you only allow others to mess around, not me?" His tone was neither slow nor fast, neither slow nor hasty.

  The fragrance on her body is really charming, and a faint fragrance runs in the man's nose.

  "Your Majesty, please respect yourself!"

  "I'm self-respecting? Are you saying this the other way around?" The man looked up at her, but he didn't intend to move away.

  "You saw it just now, and I didn't want to; so, you can't do this to me!"

  "Then what do you want me to do to you? Do you see you with other men? I can't do it!"



(End of this chapter)

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