Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 112 Dove Occupies Magpie's Nest

Chapter 112 Dove Occupies Magpie's Nest (2)

Their eyes met, their eyes sparkled, and their brows furrowed.

Tian Xin didn't know what he was thinking, but he couldn't make him angry, and couldn't let him go.

"You said that those who accompany me to see the national teacher can't leave me behind." He said as it should, with a soft and coquettish voice.

Sheng Shi returned to his usual indifference, walked out without saying much.

This time, he was not rejected, and Tian Xin followed him step by step.

After leaving the gate of the villa, it was already late and the sky was full of stars.

A different car was parked in front of the villa. Seeing Sheng Shi walking straight over and opening the door, she immediately ran over to open the door on the other side and got in.

Seeing him looking at her, Tian Xin bared her teeth and diverted his attention, "Where's your car?! Why have I never seen you drive this car..."

Sheng Shi turned his face away and ignored it.

Although she felt that she was making fun of herself, at least she didn't ask her to get out of the car, Tian Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at the luxurious villa outside the car window. After a long time, she didn't see any movement from the car, so she turned her face in doubt.

Sheng Shi rested his hands on the steering wheel, and said lightly, "Where are your shoes!"

Tian Xin shrank her toes and looked up at her feet.

Big embarrassment——

I walked in such a hurry that I forgot my shoes.

Sheng Shi slammed the car door shut, very dissatisfied, carried her out of the car, and walked back to the villa.

The servants saw Sheng Shi walking out in a cold air, followed by Tian Xin, secretly guessing what happened...

But after a while, seeing Tianxin being carried back and walking back, she was suddenly dizzy...

Although it took some time to toss back and forth like this, Tian Xin was very happy, knowing that he was not angry with herself, and the uncomfortable feeling in his heart disappeared.



"Where's your car!" Tian Xin asked tirelessly.

Sheng Shi pursed his lips, his eyes were deep, and his thin lips parted slightly, "It's dealt with!"

Tianxin was puzzled, "Why?"

Sheng Shi squinted at the rearview mirror, and Tian Xin sat cross-legged on the rear seat, looking at him curiously and expectantly, in a good mood.

"It's just a car."

"There is something in what he said." Tianxin heard that there was something in his words, and curled his lips to refute.
Sheng Shi snorted coldly and looked away. In her eyes, he was not as important as the car. This woman's words could always easily arouse his anger.

Step on the accelerator and the car starts slowly.

Sheng Shi didn't speak, and the car suddenly became quiet again, Tianxin couldn't bear it.

Jumping behind his car seat, lying on the back of his seat, "Shengshi..."


"Why did you suddenly get angry last time!" Tian Xin thought for a while and couldn't help asking.

At the beach villa, no matter how mischievous she is, he won't get angry, he just threatens, 'You can stay here forever'!
However, last time he was really angry, feeling that he would no longer pay attention to her appearance.

In fact, at that time, she felt sad, but when she thought that she would eventually go back, she wanted to put aside the relationship between the two of them.

Life without him feels empty!
When Sheng Shi heard her question, a dark look flashed in his eyes, "It has nothing to do with you."

Someone entered Sheng's parking lot majestically and put the photo in his car.

At first he thought it was Ming who did it. Normally, no one would be able to move his car, let alone the unnoticed movement.

After checking the surveillance video of the parking lot, dozens of seconds were deliberately cut out.

If Shi Yi hadn't found out that there was a problem with the photo, I believe no one would have discovered the blank space of just tens of seconds.

Another new technology...

It's another dirty trick, if you can't fight hard, you just want to get your hands on his woman...

His eyes are cold and cold, it's best not to touch his bottom line, otherwise he doesn't mind going back and spending some time to get rid of these things that are in the way...

Tianxin felt that he was unhappy and was depressed. She asked him nothing and decided not to coax him.

After another 10 minutes or so, when Tianxin could hardly hold back his mouth, finally, the car stopped in front of Shengshi Building.

Sheng Shi got off the car, pulled her over, and walked into the building.

Tianxin saw that it was not the way to the hospital, and there was no word hospital. He felt wrong, so he hurriedly stopped him, "No, no, this is not the way to the hospital, I went wrong!"

Sheng Shi said lightly, "When did I say I went to the hospital!"

Tianxin stomped his feet and blocked his way, "You are a bully, and you clearly told me to go see Mr."

"I never said that someone was in the hospital!" Sheng Shi said.

"..." Tianxin.

You didn't say that the person was not in the hospital!

Walking into the Shengshi Building, the two of them became the focus of everyone's eyes. The handsome man and the beautiful woman, especially Tian Xin who was beside Sheng Shi, undoubtedly became the envy and envy of all women...

However, wherever Sheng Shi's gaze passed, no matter who it was, they all looked away as if nothing had happened.

Going up the special elevator, Tianxin was even more puzzled, thinking in his heart, maybe he hid him in the office.

Sheng Shi did not avoid her, and quickly entered a string of passwords on the number, and the number on the elevator flickered slightly, showing a negative growth.

Tianxin only felt that she was falling, and subconsciously grabbed his arm, looking vigilant, "What's going on!"

"You'll know when we get there." Sheng Shi wrapped his arms around her waist and held her steady, without further explanation.

Explanation is useless, what you see is far more real than listening to others.


The elevator door opened.

Shengshi walked out, Tianxin looked at him worriedly, and followed closely.

I was secretly surprised, there is a secret under the Sheng Group, what are these...

This place is isolated into countless transparent rooms, and there are countless strange instruments inside, which are spotless.

As soon as the two stepped in, three people walked over quickly. The leader was a middle-aged professor-like man with gray hair.
"Sheng Shi, you are..."

Dr. Wendell's eyes stopped on Tianxin, and his tone was serious. Apart from him, there are only a handful of people who know about it.

That's how he trusted a woman.

Tianxin was careful, many people called her Mr. Sheng, but this... called her by her first name.

There is nothing unusual about Shengshi, which means they are very familiar...

Immediately put away the messy thoughts in my mind, and capture the key points from their conversations,

"No problem, Wendell, don't doubt my decision." He pursed his thin lips and said.

Wendell glanced strangely across Tianxin, thought for a while, and nodded.

"Go in and talk."

"What happened to the person I handed over to you!" Sheng Shifan held the paw that had been holding on to the corner of his clothes, and asked, and several people walked inside.

Outside the sterile ward, several people stood still.

Tianxin looked at Zhong Ziyan, who was in a mess all over his body, and felt uncomfortable. When the national teacher woke up, she must ask clearly.

The assistant standing next to Wendell immediately handed over the examination report, "It's more serious than I imagined. Not only did his internal organs suffer severe trauma, but he also suffered from massive bleeding in his brain. If he's not careful, he can never wake up."

Wendell explained the seriousness of the condition in order to make him think carefully.

"Prosperous age..." Tian Xin shouted hastily.

Sheng Shi could feel the sweat oozing from her palms, gave her a comforting look, and then said, "How sure are you!"

This sentence, of course, is to ask Wendell.

Back then, he accidentally rescued him and provided him with a place to do research and development. It was an unintentional move, but he did not expect to bring him unexpected gains.

The surname Wendell is a mythical existence in the history of Western medicine. The entire Wendell family is a genius medical scientist. Especially in the middle of the century, the Wendell family was even more prosperous. decline.

And the only person left in the family who can be called a genius is this one.

"40.00%." ​​Wendell said seriously.

Sheng Shi knew the conservative figures he said, and he would appear extremely sharp only when facing the pile of instruments, but he had never had such low confidence, and it was rare to see him, he was so serious.

Sheng Shi's eyes darkened, "How is the progress of the medicine you recently developed!"

He doesn't want such low confidence.

Even if he wakes up, it may lead to some consequences that he doesn't want to see, but that's something later, he never needs such useless means.

He couldn't see her worrying too much about anyone but him.

Wendell was startled secretly, and looked at the girl next to him again, she changed, her eyes showed disbelief, "Okay!"

Although he has not formally tried it on the human body, he believes in his medicine, which will not only greatly increase the chances, but may also have unexpected effects.

"Then I'll prepare some details." He said, and left in a hurry, leaving the assistant to explain in detail for them.


Tianxin understood a little bit, and her worry remained undiminished. She waited for the person to walk away before she spoke, "He said, can the national teacher be rescued?" He looked at the motionless person in the glass again.

Shengshi nodded.

Different from Tianxin's joy, his eyes were thoughtful.

He has also investigated the place he often goes in and out of, the top floor of the Dingtian Building, where he has arranged an formation, which is ancient and complex, using the nature of the five elements to generate and restrain each other.

Is there something wrong with this thing!

His eyes froze and flashed cold.

He can go back, but the little woman in front of him is his and must stay.

There is no room for negotiation on this point!


It was past twelve o'clock when we came out of the underground laboratory.

Most of the people in the company were gone, but the Shengshi Building was still dazzling.

In the president's office, there is a special place for Shengshi to rest, and everything is available.

Tianxin temporarily put aside the things in his mind, took a comfortable bath, and prepared to have a good night's sleep.


In the bathroom, Tianxin was full of embarrassment.

Who would have thought that the beautiful Miss Princess would go straight to the bathing pool without any clothes on, now it's all over, she has no clothes to wear after taking a bath!
In the outer room, Shengshi can see ten lines at a glance, and quickly processed the documents piled up on the table. Shi Yi couldn't make a decision, so he put them here.

It was also because of this that he decided to take her with him and settle these matters by the way.

His eyes swept over quickly, his mind was running fast, he still caught the shouts in the room as thin as mosquitoes, and frowned.

Tian Xin grabbed the dirty clothes to block in front of her, and heard him knock on the door twice, "I don't have any clothes to wear..."

Sheng Shi was amused by her voice, and smiled, "I don't mind if you sleep in it."

Tian Xin stomped her feet angrily, "No, get me some clothes!"

In the bathroom, there was an angry stomping sound.

Sheng Shi turned around and walked to the closet. Various men's items were strewn about in the closet. He pulled out a bathrobe, walked back, and knocked on the door.

"Open the door!"

"No peeking, do you hear me..." Tian Xin warned severely.

Sheng Shi replied lightly, "Yeah." There is always a chance to be aboveboard!
Tianxin got the guarantee, opened the door a little, stretched out a hand, "give it to me!"

After receiving the soft clothes he put in her hands, she quickly retracted them, and closed the door again with a snap.

It's done in one go, and the speed is fast, which is amazing.

Sheng Shi leaned leisurely outside the bathroom door, with the corner of his mouth raised evilly, he was looking forward to her wearing his nightgown.

But after a while, Tianxin's voice sounded again, "Shengshi, I still need clothes... Ah! What is this, you you you you..."

Sheng Shi said, "What's wrong!"

"Ah! I don't want your clothes, you bastard..." In the bathroom, Tianxin turned around angrily, her face turned red under her feet and fell out of the bathrobe.

He just missed rushing out and punching someone twice.

"Then there is no way, or you will just sleep in it for one night, and we will talk about it tomorrow." He said easily.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually leaving, Tianxin was anxious, and had nothing to do with him, so he could only pick up the changed clothes and put them on, and trampled hard on the things on the ground.

Grabbed the bathrobe and wrapped it around her body.

His shoulders are very broad, so when the clothes are put on Tian Xin, it looks like a bird in a sack, which looks very funny.

Sheng Shi was not in the room when Tian Xin came out.

Immediately, two balls of air-conditioning came out of his nose, he yawned, and was thrown in. Perhaps because he had no burden in his heart, he quickly fell asleep.

When Sheng Shi came back with the lady's clothes, the light in the bathroom was on. The most obvious thing was his 'clothes' that fell on the floor. When he got closer, he could clearly see the water-stained footprints on them.

His face suddenly darkened a little.

In front of the bed, with a cold snort, he turned off the light.

Tianxin had already slept very soundly, with one snow-white arm exposed outside, and the idea of ​​lying down was instantly dispelled.

He grabbed her hand and put it in the blanket.

When he pulled the thin blanket away, his hand paused slightly, and he withdrew it quickly like an electric shock.

I rushed into the bathroom impatiently, turned on the cold water, and poured it over my head.

After taking a cold shower for more than an hour, he came out of it, lay down on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Almost didn't sleep all night.

The next day, Sheng Shi sat in the office still in high spirits, looking at the documents again and again, thinking of what he saw last night, his mind was completely out of him.

Between the two, subtle and strange changes took place. .

Sheng Shi is still working indifferently, and can't see too many changes. In comparison, Tian Xin is much more embarrassed.

She was holding the thick ancient book, but she couldn't read anything, her thoughts were wandering and her eyes were dodging.

When she woke up in the morning, she was embarrassed by her disheveled appearance. She touched the place next to her, but there was no temperature, so she couldn't help but secretly get lucky.
Modification symbol——
(End of this chapter)

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