Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 135 The Most Beautiful Bloom

Chapter 135 The Most Beautiful Bloom (1)

After that, Tianxin rarely saw Shengshi, and even when he came back, the two of them got along lightly, as if nothing had happened, and there was a strangeness in the atmosphere.

Sometimes, she could still feel that there was a faint smell of alcohol on his body that couldn't be concealed.

However, Tian Xin didn't think deeply about these inconspicuous little things.

Although Yang Nuannuan also saw something unusual from Shengshi's attitude, she was more concerned about Tianxin and what they were going to prepare next.

Separation may give this deadlocked situation a turning point...

The blue sea, blue sky and white clouds, a huge cruise ship.

Tian Xin stood on the deck, enjoying the feeling of the sea breeze.

Taking a deep breath, as if every pore is relaxed, I just feel relaxed and forget all troubles...

Yang Nuannuan walked out of the boat, her brows frowned, she was just sick, and the sea breeze was blowing again, it was an addiction to the disease.

"Heavenly Heart."

Tianxin turned her head, saw Yang Nuannuan also walked out, and gave her a sweet smile, "Nuannuan, it turns out that the sea is so comfortable." This kind of feeling that you can't see the edge at a glance, you feel that your whole heart is relaxed when you look at it.

She never knew that the sea made her feel more magnificent than what she saw from other places...

Yang Nuannuan held on to the railing, and could smell the unique smell of the sea, with a faint fishy smell, "Don't you think he will come after you?"

"It's okay. I left a note for him. It's just a message. I've been bored recently and learned a lot of simplified Chinese..." Thinking of the expression of that domineering man after seeing the note, Tian Xin didn't say any more.

Even if Mr. Zhong was still lying on the hospital bed and they hadn't gone back, she had to think about this issue clearly.

The problem between her and Shengshi——

Sheng Shi likes her, but she dare not tell him that one day, she will leave.

Because he will be angry.

She didn't want to see that gloomy face. She was afraid before, but now she is.

It's heartache, but not daring to face it...

Yang Nuannuan's eyes were bent into a crescent shape, "Since this is the case, don't think so much. I heard that the cruise ship will have a very exciting show later."

She said, winking at her in a different way, "Maybe, there is an affair, maybe, so that you don't have to worry about him all day long."

Although few people are better than him, but now she can speak ill of him openly.

Yang Nuannuan couldn't wait to laugh three times.

If it wasn't for Tianxin's company, she wouldn't have to be that super light bulb every day.

The wattage is not high, and it can be regarded as a light bulb!

Transparency that cannot be ignored.

Tianxin was amused by her words, she always molested|molested others, saying that she didn't have the posture of a princess and had no rules, but today she was molested|molested by Yang Nuannuan.

Think about it, from the time they first met, from the first time trying on clothes, shopping, playing all over the streets and alleys, etc...

The two were evenly matched, so it could be said that they were tied.

"Okay. We just came out to play this time. If we don't have enough fun, how can we feel sorry for running away without telling everyone." Tian Xin raised a smile.

It was already a day later. The two of them sneaked out of the villa and set foot on this giant cruise ship. They planned to spend a few days at sea, that is, take the waterway. Wherever the cruise ship stopped, they would stop there.

Play around the whole city until Tianxin knows what kind of mentality they should face the prosperity, and then they decide when to go back, but it is a difficult task to escape the prosperity before then.

Yang Nuannuan could feel that there was a deep bitterness hidden in her smile, and she sighed in her heart...

Emotional matters can only be boiled slowly,,,,

Night came quietly.

Under the starlight, a giant cruise ship, wine glasses staggered.

Tianxin and Yang Nuannuan found a seat at random and sat down, chatting and laughing happily. Those who looked carefully could find that one of the girls was making the girl opposite laugh from the beginning to the end.

Tianxin was wearing a V-neck white shirt and a light green lace skirt. She was very ordinary, even on a giant cruise ship.

Fair skin, a small nose, a pair of watery black eyes, and flowing long hair casually scattered behind her, interpreting the most extreme classical beauty in the eyes of oriental people, attracting countless amazing eyes.

Even before that, some people took the initiative to strike up a conversation, but Yang Nuannuan politely rejected them all.

You can't even want a man like Sheng Shi, and it's even more impossible for these men who strike up a conversation with just one glance, to attract Tianxin's attention.

Even so, there are still people approaching from time to time——

Yang Nuannuan sighed, and finally knew the pain of a beautiful woman next to her. Seductive beauty is one thing, but pinching peach blossoms is really tiring.

Obviously seeing a handsome guy walking towards you, but it's not for you.

But who told her that this is a precious antique she picked up, no matter how hard she worked, she must stand up to the end.

After seven o'clock, with a slightly deafening sound, the fireworks ignited a dazzling feast. Everyone on the gorgeous cruise ship looked at the burning fireworks, and Tianxin and Yang Nuannuan naturally looked over.

"Tianxin, do you have fireworks there?" Yang Nuannuan said loudly, watching the fireworks bloom one after another under the huge night.

The two were next to each other, her voice was enough for Tianxin to hear.

The smile on Tianxin's face stagnated for a moment, and countless pictures of the Sky Palace flashed in his mind, and his eyes were inexplicably lost...


As soon as Yang Nuannuan had spoken, she realized it. She suddenly turned her face away, moved her hand slightly, and her eyes showed a gleam of apology.

She didn't mention it that way on purpose.

Tianxin smiled back and told her that she was fine and there was no need to feel so guilty.

"Yes, there are fireworks there, but it's not as beautiful as here..."

Yang Nuannuan was slightly relieved to see that there was nothing unusual about her, at least she didn't mention the prosperous age, maybe it's better to worry her about other things than this one.

"Beautiful, beauty is only momentary, isn't it..." Tian Xin said casually.

The gorgeous fireworks were reflected in her eyes, and suddenly lost their color and became dim.

"Miss, this sentence is wrong. The most exciting moment of fireworks is the meaning of its existence."

Tian Xin was taken aback for a moment, and looked towards the source of the sound.

At some point, a man stood beside her.

His voice was enough for Tianxin to hear, but it didn't disturb Yang Nuannuan beside him. When they looked at each other, his eyes overflowed with a strange brilliance, and his sexy lips moved slightly, "It is also its short-lived beauty that makes people Endless aftertaste..."


Endless aftertaste...

Something flashed through Tianxin's mind quickly, but he didn't like to show his emotions in front of outsiders, so he restrained his thoughts for a moment, raised his eyebrows, and looked at him inquiringly.

The man just raised the bright red wine glass in his hand, and gestured towards the blooming fireworks, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tianxin raised his head suddenly, and with a bang, a firework bloomed, shining with colorful light like a flower plate.

What a nice view……

Tianxin couldn't help admiring.

The corners of the mouth slowly curled up in a warm arc, turned his face, slightly surprised in his eyes, looking at the figure who quietly walked away...

Yang Nuannuan came back to her senses, only to see Tianxin staring blankly at the crowd, and waved her hand in front of her eyes, "Tianxin, what are you looking at..."

When Tianxin heard Yang Nuannuan's words in his ear, he looked back lightly and shook his head.

What a strange person, he said that to her specially, and walked away like this.

She thought he approached on purpose, maybe he just happened to stand beside her!
Yang Nuannuan frowned, thought about it, and felt that there was nothing to do. As the fireworks continued to bloom in the sky, the attention of the two was attracted again...

The scene just now was like a hallucination, and it was too late for people to experience it.

Tianxin feels inexplicably loose in his heart, fireworks, only for a moment, but it is still beautiful and unforgettable...

The fireworks feast on the cruise ship lasted for two hours, Tianxin unconsciously let go of those things in his heart, with a sweet smile on his face.

Yang Nuannuan felt confused when she suddenly felt better about her, but she was sincerely happy.

The atmosphere of the Jinhua Villa is completely different from that on the cruise ship. In the lobby, it has never been quieter, and the air seems to be frozen.

The servants gathered in the living room motionless, feeling that their throats were being strangled, it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe, and they did not dare to breathe out.

The entire villa was filled with death, Sheng Shi's face had never been so gloomy, exuding a frightening and terrifying aura, terrifying and depressing.

Shi Yi only glanced at his profile, his heart sank again and again, knowing that this time he was really angry.

Why did Miss Mo choose to leave at this time?

What's the problem between the two, what's the matter that made Mr. Sheng drink so much, but every time he came back, he would deal with the smell first...

He couldn't believe that there would be such a day...

Isn't she worried that Zhong Ziyan will be affected by this!
Sheng Shi clenched a piece of paper in his hand, his eyes were dim.

The beautiful brush calligraphy, you can recognize her handwriting just by looking at it.

He said that no one knew her better than him, and if he dared to leave without making a sound, he would have to bear his anger!

At this moment, his whole body exudes an aura of calm and majesty, and a deep voice followed, "Find out where she is, immediately! And protect her!"

Shi Yi could see the turbulent waves of anger in his eyes, and he was faintly worried. When he heard the word "protection", he suddenly admired Tianxin's influence.

"It's already been done!"

After his words fell, there was no more movement in the hall, and it was dead silent again.

Shi Yi knew that he was waiting for news from his people.

Ever since he discovered that Miss Mo was missing, he had already asked everyone to investigate.

But it's been so long, it's not his style of work, it's just a personal investigation, how could it take so long.

Unless someone interferes in the middle...

Speaking of interference, he suddenly remembered that some time ago, someone was acting unusually around the villa, and his people solved it without asking anything.

A few minutes later, Shi Yi received a text message. There was no sign of anyone at all the airport entrances and exits, but it could be vaguely seen that there were indeed man-made forces inside, and someone deliberately erased the records...

"President Sheng, I'm afraid it will take some time, you see." Shi Yi stepped forward and gave him the news he received.

Sheng Shi swept across lightly, and his deep pupils shrank suddenly.

There are others involved.

He did not forget Xu's Hospital, the bloody man——

And that time they didn't succeed, and later they took Yang Nuannuan away. If it wasn't for the wrong arrest, Xi Qi wouldn't have released him so quickly, and there were no conditions in the end.

The more unconditional he is, the bigger his appetite is, what Shengshi owes!
Xizaki is not the only one in Bloody, otherwise he wouldn't show any concern when he dealt with so many people last time, obviously, they are not his people.

Thinking of this, he took off the watch on his hand and threw it out, Shi Yi reached out to catch it with surprise in his eyes.

"Check! She has a tracker on her body." Sheng Shi was calm from the beginning to the end, and only when he heard that she was in danger did cracks appear on his calm and handsome face.

Now that we know that there is interference from man-made forces in the middle, we have to treat it with caution.

He had known for a long time that there would be such a day. When he was in Shuixi Villa, he installed a special tracking device on her body, which would stay on her like skin and would not be discovered.

Shi Yi hurriedly left, it seemed that this time someone was impatient again, it was originally a matter between two people, but someone was ignorant and wanted to get in the way, no matter what the other party's purpose was, if he annoyed Sheng Shi, it would be tantamount to throwing himself into trouble. On the road to send...

What Sheng Shi thought of, Shi Yi also thought of.

If it was done by someone over there again, the entanglement would be huge!
I hope Miss Mo is okay...

Mr. Sheng really spent a lot of money. The equipment used by Huangye Intelligence, despite its small size, can be hidden in this watch, and within a few seconds, he can hack into any country's database at will, and he carries it with him. a woman...

Go into the basement of the villa.

An unparalleled computer system, like a small intelligence organization.

Shiyi puts down the watch, immediately turns on the micro-device, lightly opens the watch cover, connects the data device, a satellite immediately changes direction, and enters the running search...

A few minutes later, through precise search and comparison, a very weak signal was finally found on a certain ocean.


Shi Yi frowned suddenly, how could she be at sea!

Could it be that they couldn't find it, not only their whereabouts were erased, but also at sea, they looked in the wrong direction from the beginning...

He hurriedly took off the watch, restored it to its original state, and left quickly.

Unconsciously, after a night of wind and rain, the weather cleared up the next day.

In the clear sea, even the air became particularly fresh. Many people also stayed on the deck, facing the boundless sea, chatting and laughing happily.

Tianxin's favorite thing to do is to stand on the deck and watch the sun rise, the sunset turn red, and the sea sparkle. Sometimes, you can faintly see animals swimming in the sea following the cruise ship.

It was also because she liked it that they continued to stay on the boat.

Not far away, Yang Nuannuan rested her chin on her hand, curled her lips, and sighed, "I don't understand, I really don't understand..."

Yang Nuannuan could clearly feel Tianxin's sudden relief, but she didn't ask. First, she was afraid of mentioning him and reminding him of that man. Second, if necessary, she would not hide it from herself.

But curiosity killed the cat!

She just felt as itchy as a cat scratching her heart. Could it be that after watching the fireworks, she still focused on healing?
It would have been.

Ever since Tianxin watched the fireworks, she suddenly became less dull, she didn't need to tease her, and her laughter was not as high as before!
Tianxin just stood on the deck for a while, and then she could find that there were many more people around, and they were men. Because of the presence of Yang Nuannuan, the "flower protector", she only cast unusual glances at them from time to time.

Tianxin took a deep breath, and the messy feeling in his heart gradually faded away after these few days.

The national teacher said it was fate.

Fate brought her here. No matter what her fate is, this place will become the most unforgettable experience in her life. As for that man, she still hasn't figured out how to face it...

Just about to leave, Tianxin suddenly saw a person standing a few steps away, put away the slight sadness in his eyes, and curled his mouth slightly.

Lift your feet and pretend you didn't see it.

"Miss is really unreasonable, why don't you just pretend you didn't see it!" The man said in a bewitching voice, but his eyes stayed on the sea, as if he was thinking about something.

Tian Xin curled her lips and turned around, "What advice does this gentleman have?"

The man turned his face away, with a faint smile on his face, "I don't dare to advise, I just paid attention to Miss for a long time, and felt that you have something on my mind, so what should I do if I am so bored in my heart."

"So you came here to teach me?" Tian Xin raised an eyebrow.

The man was obviously amazed at her straightforwardness, and then simply admitted generously, "That's right. It can only be blamed on Miss being too outstanding and attracting too many attentions, naturally I am no exception."

Tianxin burst out laughing suddenly, and with this smile, even the sunlight shining on his body was overshadowed by a little bit, which caused the other party to be stunned for a moment.

Tian Xin said, "What's the name!"

That's right, she was actively asking the other party's name.

Yang Nuannuan saw that she suddenly chatted with a strange man, frowned slightly, and walked towards the two of them.

"Heavenly Heart."

When the man heard Yang Nuannuan calling her like this, a smile flashed in his eyes, "So your name is Tianxin, you have a lot of flavor."

Tianxin pouted.

"My name is Yu Jie." The man also announced his name, and his eyes were on Tian Xin from the beginning to the end.

An impatience flashed in Yang Nuannuan's eyes, if Tianxin was not willing to take care of her, she could only wish to throw him out, and it would be another rotten peach blossom.

"Tianxin, your ice cream will melt if you don't eat it." Yang Nuannuan deliberately walked over to block her view, and blinked at her.

Tian Xin frowned and complained, "Nuan Nuan, are you sure this is the ice cream I just took out?"

Her favorite thing is her favorite thing. Every time she sees this, she wants to beat her.

Especially when there is a spoon, the ice cream will eventually be smashed into a fuzzy ball.


Yang Nuannuan looked at the ice cream she had brought, flashed embarrassment, coughed twice, and suddenly realized what she did when she was bored just now!
Especially when she saw her talking to a strange man, it made things into a paste.

For the girl who suddenly came in, the man's eyes flashed a moment of unkindness, and then he returned to a nonchalant look, with a smile on his face.

"I don't want to eat paste!" Tianxin said mercilessly, ignoring Yang Nuannuan's little actions.

"Tianxin." Yang Nuannuan was anxious.

Tianxin shook his head and did not back down.

Seeing that she did this on purpose and sincerely didn't want to listen to her, Yang Nuannuan stomped her feet, spewed a cloud of cold air from her nose, and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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