Chapter 143 Betting (1)

After making up her mind, Tianxin wouldn't let her go, "Then what are you going to do when you go back, if you go back, then I will die alone and be bullied by Shengshi, you have the heart..."

Didn't realize she had another purpose.

Yang Nuannuan tentatively asked, "I'm always like a follower, don't you hate it?"

"Hating someone will show it. How did you see that I hate you, or Shengshi drove you away?" A dangerous light flashed in Tianxin's eyes, and he looked at her threateningly.

Yang Nuannuan stuck out her tongue, "That's not true." It didn't occur to her that she was thinking a lot.

Even if Sheng Shi ignored her, he would not take the initiative to let her go. Even if he really hated her existence, he would only isolate her. As for the kind of thing she said, it is unlikely to happen.

"Since there is no one, then don't mention it. People don't agree." Tian Xin said domineeringly, "Of course, unless you really want to go back, you can't just leave like this anyway."

"...Okay." Yang Nuannuan.

This girl really treats her as a full-time nanny. If Shengshi didn't worry about entrusting her with many things, let her handle all the eating, drinking and messing up!
In this way, Shengshi did pay her wages!

In this way, it seems...

She can still think of a person who also has multiple roles in this way.

The special assistant of that prosperous boss, Mr. Shi Yi, is simply an all-rounder. Not only can he shock the audience, but he also knows everything in the kitchen and all kinds of ingredients. She is not without evidence.

I just saw it with my own eyes.


President's office.

There was a new type of remote control device on Shengshi's table, playing with the objects in his hand, a wooden bracelet carved with complicated patterns, and a stone as black as coal balls, a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

Before, he thought about why Zhong Ziyan attached so much importance to these two things.

Now it seems that he thinks this is the way to go back.

Rubbing the smooth bracelet in his hand, it seemed that someone's temperature still remained on it.

The slender knuckles twisted the black stone, but his gaze was not too warm, staying on the surface of the stone, except for the difference in color from the stalactite, there was basically no big difference.

This thing will never be carried by Tianxin, he seems to remember that once, Zhong Ziyan made a special trip for this stone.

It's not hers, so if it can be destroyed...

The whitish knuckles proved the strength exerted. I want to know what it is!
In any case, what he was interested in was whether it would really take her away. If it really had such a function and couldn't be destroyed, he would rather sink it into the deepest part of the sea of ​​death.

But now, this thing is getting more and more interesting. It is actually composed of unknown elements. No matter how his people analyze it, they just can't analyze the hidden element information.

Since it's 'dangerous', then send it back and let them play first——

I believe it can bring a lot of fun to their lives, and they won't be idle!

He reached out and took the phone.

"I found Ming, I have something to explain." Cutting off the call, Sheng Shi's eyes showed a hint of interest.

From her appearance, all the dangers related to her can actually be found, mixed with his factors, these are all problems that he wants to solve now, or Zhong Ziyan has woken up!
It seems that he needs to prepare something, and it's time to settle the matter of the Xu family...

And the account that Tianxin was almost killed should be settled.


Until the evening, the two did not return to the villa immediately.

Tianxin also took Yang Nuannuan and the two to climb to the top of the mountain to watch the sunset. The red sun dyed one part of the sky, and looking at the entire city of C from a distance, it felt like seeing all the small mountains at a glance.

"Nuannuan, have you seen such a beautiful sunset!"

The two stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. In the distance, inadvertently, the sun set a little further, dyeing the entire horizon red, which was magnificent and beautiful.

Yang Nuannuan was a little reluctant at first, watching the sunset specially, not interested.

But she couldn't hold her back and wanted to walk around, so the two ran towards the high hills outside the city.

"Seeing it with my own eyes feels different." She couldn't help admiring.

"It's really beautiful..." Tianxin muttered to herself.

Although I haven't seen the beauty of the sunset up close, I can also know that the sunset is like this.

She has always loved to sleep in. Every day, the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth, and she spends it in her dreams until the sun rises. She has never seen the rising sun, and it is the first time to appreciate such a beautiful sunset.

Sitting quietly on the mountain, the two returned to leave until the last sunset.

In the villa, the servants did not dare to show their air.

With just such an atmosphere, Tianxin knew that it was the reason for someone's existence.

Scanning in the living room, there was no sign of him, and no one else was seen, but who else would have such an aura that would make the servants at home stand still in shock.

"The prosperous age is back?!" Tian Xin seemed to ask.

"Miss Mo, the young master is back." A maid replied respectfully.

Following her all the time, Yang Nuannuan found the right opportunity to walk away, occupying someone for a whole day, or should I say being occupied by someone for a whole day, but in Sheng Shi's eyes, it might be the former.

If at this time, she still appears unwittingly, then it's really time to smoke.

Tian Xin gently opened the bedroom door, glanced over, and did not see him, even when he often sat on the sofa or at the desk——

He simply opened the door and walked in.

How could there be no one, not to say come back!
She thought it would be in the bedroom.

"How do you know I'm coming back, and hide at the door every time..."

Tianxin asked a little depressed.

"That's also because someone makes the same mistake every time, and I can only use this method to accompany him to the end." Shengshi's deceptive voice sounded faintly.

It's really a day without seeing, like three autumns.

Every time I hold this little person, it seems that it can be broken with a light touch.

But he knew that when his little girl left him, she was like a tiger with sharp claws, and no one could do anything to her.

Gently sniffing the fragrance in her hair, there was no smell of impurities, even the things she used for bathing, he also replaced them with colorless and odorless, just for this unique smell.

Tianxin blushed slightly, and said angrily, "Just don't make this kind of mistake again in the future."

"Where did you go this afternoon..." Sheng Shi had a charming smile on his lips.

Turning around, if it wasn't for the height difference between the two, it would be really uncomfortable for Tian Xin to raise his head to talk to him at this moment.

"Let go first, it's too close, your neck will get tired if you talk like this..."

After she finished speaking, Sheng Shi immediately loosened his arms, only a little bit.

It allows the two to have a normal conversation.

"Tell me, where did you go today?" He asked bewitchingly.

There was a flash of familiarity in Tianxin's heart, and he felt that his tone was very strange today, "I just went to see Mr., and then I had something to eat, and I just had a whim to watch the sunset."

She said with a smile in her eyes.

I really didn't expect that the orange-red light was charming, dyed the earth red, and then slowly sank, signaling the end of the day...

"If I can get up someday, I will watch the sunrise then!"

These are things she didn't dare to think about before.

Sheng Shi's eyes were sour, and he went to watch the sunset with Yang Nuannuan?
Nor did he appreciate the sunset carefully——


He had to choose one time to accompany him to watch the sunrise. This kind of thing that belonged to them was taken up by Yang Nuannuan. Thinking of this, he felt a little unhappy again.

Yang Nuannuan also sneezed.

Rubbing his nose, he muttered to himself, could it be that he didn't sleep well yesterday.

Maybe someone is talking bad about her, but if she is so clean, she will only offend some villains.

Bored, I can only take out my mobile phone and find some interesting short videos.

Especially the complaints about certain TV dramas and various goofy clips can keep her entertained all day long...

Since the "surprise" last time, Tianxin forced Shengshi to agree to the bet, which led to an overnight cold war and ended the fight for power.

But Sheng Shi keenly discovered that because of this incident, Tian Xin's attitude towards him changed a lot.

Become more barbaric, more unreasonable, it seems that he is expected to spoil him without a bottom line,,,,

For her change, Sheng Shi is happy to see the results, and also enjoys that kind of dependence.

However, there was one thing that made him grit his teeth.

Consciously or unconsciously, she always likes to 'create opportunities' for him to get along with Yang Nuannuan, although it is not obvious, but he can still feel it.

As for Yang Nuannuan, every time the woman saw him, she was like a scourge, and it was too late to avoid him.

Thinking of this interesting thing, the corners of his lips curled up evilly.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this. With her feelings for Yang Nuannuan, she definitely doesn't want to vent her anger on Yang Nuannuan after she doesn't see her one day.

So she moved the idea of ​​letting Yang Nuannuan stay by her side...

When Shi Yi just entered the office, he glanced at the faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help feeling a chill down his back.

Mr. Sheng is plotting against someone, and he is still plotting with a smile——

Swallowing quietly, neither in nor out.

Even when he was thinking about something, Sheng Shi still sensed that someone was approaching, so he turned his eyes coolly, "What's the matter!"

Shi Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in.

"Mr. Sheng, people from the Xu family have really contacted someone. Look at us."

Although they want to destroy the Xu family indirectly, it doesn't mean they don't care about anything. Only when everything is in their own hands can they control the overall situation. Even if there is a change, they can reverse the situation most accurately ...

With Xu's focus on this fund, it is inevitable.

It's just that they probably didn't expect that the final result of this bidding will make them a crushing defeat. If there is no new capital injection, they will face the threat of bankruptcy.

And Shengshi wants to get rid of the biggest opponent without any effort.

Said to be the biggest opponent, if Mr. Sheng wanted to, he would not let the Xu family develop for a few more years.

He couldn't see clearly what Mr. Sheng was thinking...

In the past, as long as it wasn't too much of a hindrance, he wouldn't bother, unless some companies acted too dirty in private and offended him by defaming their reputation or the like.

"It won't make any waves. They are just here to investigate. You should know what the key points are, and they are not ordinary investors."

A faint sentence made Shi Yi's tense nerves relax.

As long as Mr. Sheng says it's okay, then there is no need to be too nervous about this matter, "Well, I will adjust my strategy according to the situation over there..."

While talking, a figure rushed in, without any hesitation, the two were talking about——

Two eyes shot at the same time.

Ming unceremoniously picked up the water on the table and poured it into two big cups, the water droplets flowed down the neck, outlining the wild and unruly.

Sheng Shi did not speak, and of course Shi Yi would not take the initiative to speak.

Wait quietly for him to finish drinking.

Putting down the water glass, Ming secretly felt refreshed, and breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm thirsty, look at me..."

Turning around, touching the bridge of his nose, he said with a smile, "They're all here, just convenient for me to talk about things."

"There will be a result so soon?" His existing team is not so bad, or what happened to those few people who have nothing to do...

Ming curled his lips into a smile, "It's not this, you forgot the medicine you asked me to experiment with last time?"

Sheng Shi's eyes flickered slightly, and he saw some interest.


This matter has something to do with the little thing, not to mention that according to the current situation, Zhong Ziyan's influence on her is not a little bit, so it is necessary to know more about him.

"The medicine that Wendell gave me, because I needed different data, I conducted experiments at the headquarters and the branch respectively, and this time I went back and brought back another part of the results by the way. The experiment proved that Wendell's medicine has the same effect. To a higher level, even in the current medical history, even he has never had success before..."

Of course Shi Yi also understood that he was talking about medicine.

The kind of drug that almost regenerates people, I am afraid that once it is made public, it will be an unprecedented sensation.

Ming suppressed his redundant expression, revealing a touch of deep thought, "However, according to the existing data, there is still no such weird recovery speed as Zhong Ziyan."

His words made Sheng Shi's pupils shrink slightly.

He didn't have that kind of recovery speed. Judging from the last time, it has been several months so far. Zhong Ziyan's condition has gradually eased and improved, which he has been paying attention to.

But what Zhao Ming meant...

There was a parabola in the air, Sheng Shi didn't raise his eyes, his big palm passed by, and easily caught something.

Ming Gou smiled and said, "This is the data of all the experimenters. I believe you can understand better what I mean."

Thinking that he cared so much, it was the first time he could guess why he cared so much since he knew this person——

The hero is sad and the beauty is off!

Now, he was more and more interested in the identity of the woman.

He also had to be careful, or he could start with Zhong Ziyan, at least he had to know what background they had.

Sometimes, once a person is entangled by emotion, no matter how sensible he is, there are times when he becomes confused.

Sheng Shi twisted the small data chip, his eyes flashed with surprise, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry to know, his handsome features were indifferent and profound, "Is there anything else? Going back this time..."

Shi Yi's face froze slightly, Mr. Sheng was asking whether they should leave.

However, Sheng Shi didn't make any gestures, and he also stood on the spot without moving.

Ming's eyes were surprised, his brows were lightly raised, and his tone was vaguely mixed with ambiguity, "As usual, no one would dare to leave the island without your order, except for missions." Otherwise, he wouldn't be so embarrassed today.

This group of repressed | perverted guys saw him coming and going frequently, felt jealous in their hearts, and naively wanted to use some small means to imprison him.

But who is he——

Sheng Shi loosened his fingers and regained his previous indifference, "Yeah."

"I promised to go back before, but it's been more than half a year now." Ming clicked his tongue, "Let me think about it, when did it start..."

When does it begin……

Sheng Shi thought of the first time they met, the little figure who was bumped into a childish retort when they first met, jumped into his mind, and he felt better.

Maybe next time he goes back, he can take her with him.

"I've been busy recently, if you feel tired, you can go back and rest..."

Although his tone was joking, Ming couldn't help being vigilant.

"No, no, it's only natural to do business for the company. I don't feel tired at all. Besides, I have nothing to do recently, so I won't go back. You continue to say, I'm just here to deliver something." After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, Calmly walked out of the door of the president's office.

Shi Yi knew that this was Mr. Ming's Achilles' heel, even though every time he tried to avoid it, he still had to be sent back to the island when he encountered Mr. Sheng's order, which was in the tone of an order.

A few times, it doesn't hinder Mr. Sheng's way, and he won't be restrained.

Shi Yi withdrew his gaze, and seeing Sheng Shi's eyes signaled, he knew there was nothing else to do, so he nodded and walked out.

In the Jinhua villa, Tianxin put down the book in his hand, and suddenly found that there are more interesting places in the villa.Also ridiculously large.

At least twice as much as she imagined.

In terms of architectural style, it not only integrates the architectural features of multinational countries, but she has always been only in the front half. Her bedroom alone has all the facilities for daily needs and no need to move around——

In addition to the special underground sports field, which was discovered not long ago, there is also a huge open green grassland.

I don't realize that it's the season when the new buds spit out green, and the bright green on the grass is overwhelming, fresh and natural, which makes people's spirits shake.

The silver bell-like laughter spread far away, like an echo in the empty valley.

Tianxin's head is covered with a peaked cap, which blocks the direct sunlight from hitting the delicate skin. The cheerful smile on his face makes the surrounding air rotate, and the sun is shining——

"Nuan Nuan, if you don't score again, I'll punish you!" Tian Xin was carrying a golf club, smiling happily, with cunning flashes in his eyes from time to time.

Yang Nuannuan was struggling to focus only on the club in his hand, aiming.

Did not see her expression.

"I know, I know, really, our family was born without this cell, and it's not that piece of material, so I was asked to learn something, but I can't eat it. Why did I learn it..."

Normally, these things are just for playing with. The underground sports field is full of everything, and it’s just a casual touch. These days, the convulsions have forced her to learn golf.

Got a slap on the head.

Let go of the club with one hand, and glared at someone angrily, "Why, what I said is the truth!"
 The writing is not good!Modern writing is just about writing stories. I can’t stick to words like old sayings, or readers will go crazy. At least I think so. If you like writing, you can complain in the comment area of ​​my old writing, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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