Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 182 Being Pushed Down

Chapter 182 Being Pushed Down (2)

Tian Xin turned around sharply, stretched out his hand and pushed violently, Sheng Shi had no time to react, and sat staggeringly on the ground.

She stood up, condescending, and said angrily, "Then what are you doing here!" She was not allowed to leave the villa, even to see the national teacher, unless she stepped into the gate of the villa again, she hated this kind of surveillance Feel.

Even if he is for her good.

Of course, Sheng Shi would not be ignorant of her dissatisfaction, and smiled brightly, "I came to see someone lose their temper, what should I do if I hold back."

Tianxin felt slightly hot behind his ears, snorted angrily, lifted his feet and left, ignoring him.

Let you sing a one-man show!
Seeing that she ignored her, Sheng Shi stopped her.

Tianxin paused.

He got up slowly, "Silly girl, I'm here to tell you—"

Tianxin gritted her teeth, silly girl, no matter how stupid she is, she was called stupid by him, her smooth feet were attacked violently, as fast as the wind, Shengshi could dodge it instinctively, it was not good to scream secretly, sure enough, there was a pain in her shoulders. Pushed by the strength of the milk——

With a thud, a half-meter-high spray was thrown out, splashing up, spraying Tianxin all over his body.

But she burst out laughing, looking at the soaked chicken in the pool, the more she laughed, the louder she said, "Puff haha~~hahaha~~~"

Sheng Shi secretly gritted his teeth and stared at the taller person.

Tianxin laughed out of breath, saw his eyes narrowed dangerously, rolled his eyes, snorted softly, and left.

"Stop." Sheng Shi said in a low voice.

Tianxin really stopped, turned to look at him, and walked back.

Sheng Shi's face softened, but when he looked at the little man with his hips in front of him, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Let me tell you, either return Nuannuan to me, or withdraw the people who followed me, otherwise, next time, I will still kick! Also, don't scare me, this princess is not scared, at worst, move out, snort!"

Every time she said a word, the blackness in Sheng Shi's eyes faded.

"What if I don't!" Sheng Shi squinted at her, and confronted her, deliberately provocative.

The whole person stepped out of the water, his shirt was drenched, and his strong muscles were clinging to him. Under the sun, there was no trace of embarrassment, but it added a bit of unruly beauty.

Tian Xin's nose was blown with cold air, and while he wasn't paying attention, his feet hit his shoulder again——

There was a flash of light in Sheng Shi's eyes, and he dodged sideways, moving like lightning, and grabbed her ankle at the same time. When the ankle was caught, Tian Xin hurriedly dodged, before he could exclaim, Sheng Shi's hand moved lightly...


Another plop!
Sheng Shi's white teeth were exposed, looking at the culprit he had caught, the corner of his mouth evoked a devilish smile.

"Put me down, let me down..." Tianxin twitched, trying to get out of his clutches.

After being let go, the four paws pawed ashore in anger, and while swimming, he realized that something was wrong. He jerked behind him, splashing water in all directions, just as he hit him, a burst of thick acid hit the bridge of his nose, and tears swirled in his eyes.

Woooooo~~Damn it!
He bullied others again!

"It's called evil comes with evil, little girl, I came to invite you to play at Sheng's, but you pushed me into the swimming pool."

Tianxin snorted, with a strong nasal voice, "You bully me!"

"If I don't pull you down, won't I be kicked right by you?"

"you are bullying me!"

Seeing that there were tears in her eyes, Sheng Shi raised her handsome brows together, "I—"

"you are bullying me!"

"..." Shengshi.

"Tell me, what do you want!"

Tianxin squeezed, finally squeezed out the two tears, and made a very pitiful expression.

"You are not allowed to find someone to follow me?" He sucked.

(End of this chapter)

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