Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 219 Because You Need Me

Chapter 219 Because You Need Me (1)

The commercial forces in the entire city C were reshuffled, and the Sheng family was the dominant one, annexing a large sum of Xu's previous business. The aftermath of the matter has not passed, but Sheng Shi said to Tianxin——

"What, go out to play, do you want it now?" Tian Xin moved away from the book and jumped up happily.

Sheng Shi took it steadily, "When am I joking with you, this time I will take you out to play, just to let you relax. Here is a book about the tourist attractions around the world. We can choose a few places, and we will go one by one."

When he said this, his eyes were clearly doting, the ultimate doting.

Tianxin was attracted by the book, "Shengshi, don't you want to work? Wouldn't it be nice to take me out to play?" Curiously, he took it, starting from the cover of the book, he looked full of curiosity, even the corners She didn't give up on watching——

Roughly flipped, eyes filled with excitement!
From a variety of buildings left over from ancient times to the beautiful scenery of modern high-rise buildings, from squares to Times Gardens, there are sky gardens, sky restaurants, and various exciting sports and so on.

Tianxin just felt overwhelmed, and didn't notice anything wrong with sitting in Shengshi's arms all the time.

Nothing embarrassing.

A faint smile rose from the corner of Sheng Shi's mouth, and the whole person was much happier.

"Sometimes the company is easy to take care of, and there is no shortage of me, but Xin'er will be bored staying in the villa. Don't you agree that I will take you out?"

Tianxin looked away from the book, and his bright eyes carefully considered what he said, whether it was true or false.

"Sheng Shi, why are you being so nice to me?"

It is said that she is so touched, never has a man done so much for her.

After the father and the king have a mother, the brothers will not give up the political affairs of the court and play with her, except for Bing Lan who follows her every day...

Only then did she realize that there was someone who treated her better!
I didn't realize that I was consciously or unconsciously, the balance of my thoughts had already begun to tilt in the opposite direction quietly...

Sheng Shi only smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, but did not answer her question directly, "Some things need time for you to understand..."

A strange feeling surged in Tianxin's heart, leaning against her warm chest, her eyes were full of nostalgia.

The two flipped through the album, and passed a few hours together without knowing it. During this period, Tianxin sometimes happily pointed to this place and asked this and that, and then suddenly became interested in another place, just like a child stepping into a place. In the toy store, looking at all kinds of strange things on the counter, I don’t know how to choose——

The next day, everything was sorted out.

In fact, there is nothing to take care of. When Shengshi goes out, he never likes to bring anything. Someone will help him arrange it in advance.

Of course, Shi Yi was in charge of everything in the company, but when he went out, a super light bulb followed behind him.

Ming didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but he was planning to make sure that the two of them would not leave. Even if Sheng Shi directly cast his warning eyes, he was still indifferent. Instead, he said confidently, "This road is not specially prepared for you, I have the right to use it, you Nevermind."

Tian Xin didn't think he was redundant, but seeing Ming dare to contradict Sheng Shi, he couldn't help being amazed.

When she saw Ming face Shengshi before, she had a feeling of crying and couldn't express it, but now, she had never seen it before, she just thought it was fresh, so she didn't think much about it.
(End of this chapter)

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