Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 221 Because You Need Me

Chapter 221 Because You Need Me (2)

"I know." Tian Xin waved his hand, and there was even a very old TV set in the room, which was placed as an ornament.

Tianxin is all new to all this!
Whether it is a rare treasure or a blue sky and white clouds, there is an essential difference between what you have seen and experienced in person.

Seeing her anxiously taking pictures with the camera, Sheng Shi let her lean on the head of the bed, his eyes darkened——

I don't know what to think!
On the other side, Ming was also arranged to stay, without any complaints, except when he was ruthlessly abandoned by the two of them, he complained, but now he was very tired and collapsed on the bed, sleeping soundly!
During dinner, the two of them sat in the dining room and did not stay in the room.

Shengshi had people prepare a lot of pasta, as well as beef and mutton, which were carefully cooked to remove the fishy smell, and they were all very cooked...

The two sat opposite each other——

Tianxin wears a cute rabbit velvet hat, covering her ears and part of her face, her big wet eyes are full of the magic of oriental beauty, but there is a man who complements each other by her side, so everyone retreats wisely.

"Shengshi, let's go play sledding tomorrow, the kind of car that is pulled by several wolves side by side, and go skiing, it's best to go skating all day tomorrow..." Since getting off the plane, Tian Xin has not concealed his excitement Emotions, said with joy.

Sheng Shi just looked at it dotingly, and said 'hmm' from time to time to express his agreement.

I have seen her angry side, seen her mischievous devil side, and even seen her arrogant side, her weakness and strength, her arrogance, countless shadows merged into one person, but——

Sheng Shi has never seen her flustered with excitement, this kind of her who will take off her protective shell is the real her!
He should have thought that no matter what favored position she is in, the environment she lives in is the center of power. This is an unchangeable fact, so even if she is naive and ignorant, she will instinctively protect herself.

She let go of her inner defenses to herself, this kind of wholehearted dependence, isn't that what he wants! !

Tianxin talked about what she knew about the legend about snow——

There is a legend about snow in Tianqiong. It is said that there used to be a world covered with ice and snow, but suddenly it was hit by the scorching sun, causing catastrophe for thousands of years...

Even if others don't understand, they are still attracted by her liveliness. Many people cast curious eyes. Finally, Shengshi discovered the problem——

Even though he was sitting opposite Tianxin, most of the gazes he attracted were men, this realization made his gaze look a little bit unkind.

As soon as he finished his meal, Sheng Shi left the restaurant with Tian Xin, but someone was always in a state of elation and didn't notice anything strange about him.

In the evening, it snowed again outside, and the snowflakes were flying all over the sky, just like the world in a crystal box decorated with foam, it was really beautiful.

Through the window, Tianxin looked out, with a bright light in his eyes.

Because the heating in the room was always supplied, there was no need to wear too many clothes in the room. Sheng Shi specially prepared pajamas for her and put them in the bathroom. He walked to her side and watched Xue Fei quietly with her.

With her petite body in her arms, leaning on her shoulders, Tianxin smiled, and even felt that the snow outside was warm.

Stand for a while.

"Sheng Shi, don't you want to listen to me tell you a story?"

"Xin'er, go to bed early after washing..."

The two spoke at the same time.

Then, looking at each other, Sheng Shi lightly scratched the tip of her nose, "Aren't you tired after waking up so early in the morning? Go wash up first, we'll talk later!"

(End of this chapter)

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