Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 234 Unruly Sheng Min

Chapter 234 Unruly Sheng Min (8)


Sheng Min went directly to Sheng's, but because no one knew her, the lady at the front desk saw that she was not dressed in a simple way, but she was afraid of causing trouble for Shi Yi, so she had to wait for confirmation before letting her in.

Shiyi Office.

He was about to leave when he saw a person walking in, "Assistant Shi."

Shi Yi was about to take the clothes and stopped, "Come in."

Looking at her, it was the woman he bumped into last time without paying attention, how did she get in?
He didn't forget what happened to Liu Qian before, and that Su Yi almost caused the company to suffer a huge loss. Even if he thought about it this way, he didn't drive people away directly.

Seeing her put down the lunch box in her hand, she was puzzled.

"Assistant Shi, I heard that you were too busy to eat, so I'll bring it for you." Yu Ranran said with a smile.

Where is it by the way, anyway, Shi Yi didn't see how smooth it was to run to his office by the way, but it was hard to refuse her kindness.

Shi Yi put down the clothes in his hand, nodded, "Thank you."

"But you don't have to bring me food, I'll eat it myself when I'm hungry."

Yu Ranran didn't expect him to say that, and she was a little embarrassed. She also heard that Shi Yi never made people look bad, so she had the mentality to try it out, after all, that's what she meant.

I didn't expect that he was only very friendly on the surface, but he rejected people thousands of miles away in his words.

Yu Ranran didn't know what to say, and it was clear that Shi Yi had already rejected her, so he picked up the meal and couldn't help but look forward to——

the phone rings...

Shi Yi answered the phone and said that a lady was looking for her.

Seeing that the phone was connected, Sheng Min took it directly, "Shi Yi, I'm here, come and meet me!"

The lady at the front desk, Khan, who is this, who is so rude to the assistant, you must know that I have never seen anyone who speaks in this way to the assistant, and I can't help being curious——

Shi Yi had no choice but to chase after the company, "What are you doing here?"

She didn't have a mobile phone, but she actually contacted him through the front desk. She lost her mind and slept in the villa.

Sheng Min was upset, knowing that he didn't have lunch at noon, so he kindly made lunch for him and asked her why she came, well, she just wanted to surprise him, so she didn't inform her.

"Honey, someone cooked and brought it to you, in case you are hungry!"

Shi Yi only felt his brain explode with a bang, countless brain cells were killed and injured, and he wanted to crush the phone so hard he held it.

How many people are there at the front desk—

Especially at this time, everyone has finished their meal and returned to their posts one after another, ready to continue to struggle, but she is actually at the front desk...

"You'd better come up to me immediately, I'll give you 3 minutes."

With a snap, I hung up the phone.

Looking at the boxed lunch on the table, I no longer have any appetite.

Shi Yi hung up the phone, only to find that there was another person in the office, "Miss Yu, you go first, thank you for your kindness, but from now on, just do your own thing well."

Yu Ranran didn't know why his expression suddenly changed, and he looked very impatient.

Suddenly, disappointment spread in my heart...

Sheng Min happily hung up the phone, stepped on high-heeled shoes that were more than ten centimeters high, and ran towards the elevator under the eyes of everyone——

Looking at the office door in front of him, he plunged in without thinking.

With a bang, hit someone.

When Yu Ranran saw Shiyi, his face was very ugly, and he was not as kind as before. He turned and left his office disappointed. Before he could reach out for the doorknob, he felt a person rushing in. By the time she realized it, it was already too late. ——


(End of this chapter)

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