Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 237 Come and go in a hurry

Chapter 237 Come and go in a hurry (3)

Dinner, still all in peace.

After eating, they went back to their rooms, dealt with all kinds of emails in the mailbox, and the message from Shengshi to check the company's situation, and then went to bed.

The room was pitch black.

This is his habit, the lights of the city even affect the normal sleep, and his room, as long as the lights are turned off, will enter the pitch blackness.

It doesn't feel right—

Suddenly turning on the light in the room, Shi Yi looked at Sheng Min on the other side, wearing sexy V-neck pajamas, and finally changed his expression.

"Shi..." Before Sheng Min could speak, he was caught by his neck.

Shi Yi turned over, with an indescribable seriousness on his face, "Sheng Min, you know what you're doing!"

I don't know if she did it on purpose, but her behavior is undoubtedly provocative to a man. He didn't care about it for the sake of prosperity. This is not the first time.

Sheng Min smiled brightly, coupled with a delicate face, and his water-blue eyes were like the blue ocean, impeccable.

"I suddenly found that I didn't eat enough—"

Shi Yi punched the cotton, watching her smile generously, the fire that was raised again was helplessly extinguished like this.

Let go of her, and said, "I don't want to warn you anymore, Sheng Min, you know what you've been doing these past few days..."

"If you want to know the news of Shengshi, you don't have to come to me at all, don't test my patience, and I don't have time to take care of you. If you haven't affected my life, I don't have to tell you all this..."

Before he finished speaking, Sheng Min had already got off the bed and left without looking back.

Shi Yi's breath was stagnant, looking at her haughty figure, he didn't speak again, only the complicated eyes remained...

The next day, when he got up, he couldn't hold back the thought, and lingered in front of her room door for a while before being told that she had left. He opened the door of her room and walked in. Sure enough, it was as if she had never been here before. ...

However, when she opened the wardrobe and things were neatly placed, she just left empty-handed without bringing anything.

Walking out of that room, I just felt that the villa was empty, and there was a different feeling surging in my heart, I didn't think too much, I left,,,,

He just made her want to understand what he said last night.

I don't know if she misunderstood something, but it doesn't matter anymore, she has already left.

Sheng Min was like a bubble, appearing suddenly and disappearing suddenly, but this did not have much impact on Shi Yi, he is not an emotional person, otherwise, Sheng Shi would not easily put the power in his hands.

He knows what he should do and what not, and coordinates his position very accurately.

It's just that sometimes the more people hide, the more shocking the things that burst out in the end, this is something for later, let's not talk about it for now!

The episode in City C has nothing to do with Tianxin's mood of having fun.

Leaving Snow City, Shengshi did not plan to take Tianxin back, but went to various foreign attractions, especially the Hanging Garden in country xx, and then climbed to the world's tallest tower, stepping on the glass at a height of 600 meters, that kind of stepping on The feeling of being in the clouds even made her so excited that she let go of her reserve——

There is also an item that makes Shengshi quite a headache, bungee jumping!

But Shengshi didn't agree with her taking risks, he didn't want to put her in any danger.

(End of this chapter)

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