Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 241 Big Liar and Little Liar

Chapter 241 Big Liar and Little Liar (4)

Seeing his sudden movement, she didn't push away or escape, she could always feel that he really had something to say, Tianxin discovered for the first time that she didn't understand Shengshi so much, just like at this moment, she didn't even know know what that means-

Only one heart is beating.

Without pushing away, his kiss was even deeper, and even got a response, "Xin'er, what should I do if I love you—"

With a low voice, he took a deep breath of the sweet fragrance.

The brilliance in Tianxin's eyes was like fireworks blooming, and she took the initiative to put her arms around his waist, "Sheng Shi, you must have something to say, why are you so hesitant, you have never been like this..."

Sheng Shi stroked her silky hair scattered on her back, with a soft complexion.

It was originally a risky act, and he didn't know why he thought it was a risky act, but this time he had to take her back, so that she would know her identity...

She wanted to go back to her country with all her heart, and Zhong Ziyan was there, so he was procrastinating, hoping to wait until their relationship was deep, and then say...


This matter must be brought up. He already felt that the forces in all directions were ready to move. If it was the prosperous age back then, he might not have taken these things seriously. Bloodthirsty was his nature.

When she found out that what she had been with was only a man with blood on his hands, but he had to be like this. In the first 20 years of his life, he had only two fates: living or dying.

In the prosperous age, people say that the prosperous age is prosperous, but in his eyes, there is only life and death, and life and death are only in his thoughts!
She is different, the center of power is also carefully cared for by someone, like an untainted elf, not close to the cruelty of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest!
These are the reasons for his repeated hesitation.

Tian Xin just looked at him quietly, deeply understanding that once a person has something difficult to say, only those closest to him will want to say it but dare not.

She's done that too—

Even her mother, her father, her brothers—

But it's just that they don't know what is going on in her heart, even Bing Lan, who is always by her side, can't fully understand her thoughts.

She thought that maybe it should be like this between people...

However, when she met Nuan Nuan and the flourishing age who doted on him more than anyone else, she realized that nothing is impossible, only meeting the right person at the right time, this is possible——

If she was in her seventies and eighties, and she appeared by his side again, no matter how intentionally she was, it would just be a joke.

"Sheng Shi, didn't you say that if you are willing to speak out, it actually represents a kind of trust..." She spoke softly, her arm on his shoulder never loosened, and she smiled like a flower.

Sheng Shi also laughed, and Tianxin saw Shihuai in his eyes, and she was also relieved.

She was willing to tell him a story about the princess who descended from the Vault of Heaven, which represented her trust, a belief that surged from the bottom of her heart, and he had no reason not to believe her.

It's just that when Sheng Shi suddenly contracted this kind of disease, it's unbelievable!
"Let's go, I should tell you where I want to take you..." Sheng Shi said calmly.

He believed her. His kitten only looked like a cat, but it was actually a tigress. To be able to persist in disguising for so many years and pretending to be a dandy princess is to underestimate her.

(End of this chapter)

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