Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 252 Night Emperor

Chapter 252 Night Emperor (7)

However, he also saw some surprised emotions from the other side's eyes, but he didn't know why.

Sheng Shi had a good time, straightened his clothes lightly, put on the shoes for Tian Xin, and then dragged her off the helicopter.

Like an emperor descending, there is an exclusive aura around him. Compared with her, Tianxin is much gentler. Perhaps because of the incident that was not called an incident just now, she still has a visible blush on her face, which makes people feel uncomfortable. fantasy

However, because of the scene where the thunder hit everyone just now, no matter what, he couldn't recover, so it was really him!


The man who has never been serious, brought a woman back today. Moreover, he not only smiled, but also smiled happily, even though it was just the curvature of the corner of his mouth. Who here doesn't know his personality, let alone ride on him , he only showed a little bit of anger, and no one dared to say a word.

This confuses everyone.

However, a few of them didn't change their expressions——

Tianxin also found that among the dozen or so people, there were three men and two women who were quite calm, if the one who made fun of it just now was considered calm!

Born among princes and nobles, she knows better than anyone else what kind of aura she should have in every gesture.

Even the man who was laughing just now, she felt that he was somewhat similar to Ming, but she also knew that behind the laughter was the idea of ​​not being close to strangers!
The other two men are relatively calm. One of them can see that he will not reveal his mood easily. To describe it in one word, it is deep.

Then there are two girls, one with a slight smile and one with a sweet smile.

Tianxin looked a little depressed, that smile was not for her, but for the prosperity standing beside her.

Even though she knew that Shengshi would have a woman by her side, she never thought that there would be as many as two, and she would have to fight him hard someday!
Closer to home!
In fact, Sheng Shi said the day before that Minxi, Feng Jin, Lin Tian, ​​and Si Yun, also known as Ming, are the four people who stayed on the island. Apart from himself, several people with different rights in Huang Ye , although Ming didn't do anything, but his position was very solid.

Everything happens for a reason!
The remaining two beauties, she can also take the same seat, Miao, the one with a very sweet smile, while the other one just twitched the corner of her mouth tactfully.

Chen is her name!

Just like everyone's personality, their names are particularly memorable, and they can be deeply imprinted in their minds after only meeting them once.

Sheng Shi still wrapped his big hands around his small hands, holding Tianxin tightly, and passed by everyone, leaving only one sentence, "I'll talk about the old days later, and before that, let's solve some recent troubles."

Seeing that the two were drifting away, except for those five people, the others were all subordinates, and they didn't speak, and there was no room for them to speak.

Minxi's eyes were as deep as ever, his eyes lingered on Chen's face for a while, and then he lifted his foot to leave. It was Feng Jin, who heard the troublesome things he said just now, and knew that it was really not easy to say troublesome things from Sheng Shi's mouth. , rather than ordinary small problems.

Several people dispersed separately, those who should prepare information to integrate information, those who should process the obtained information, or those who belonged to them, and those who needed to be resolved, should be resolved separately.

It was like, just standing in front of that helicopter for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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