Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 261 The Most Impossible Situation

Chapter 261 The Most Impossible Situation (2)

A small villa located somewhere in S City.

Few people saw people coming here, but they knew that this place was bought by someone. During this period, people came in and out frequently, and no one knew their origins.

The environment in the villa is refreshing and has everything you need.

Ever since Xi Qi escaped in order to send Yang Nuannuan back to Shengshi, in order to avoid the search of the third child, he has been active here.

"Boss, I found out, it really was an order from above, and I don't know how the third brother got it." One person spurned indignantly.

Unexpectedly, the power they preserved was completely frozen overnight by an order from nowhere, even if they had the idea of ​​using it.

With the current manpower, if he wants to compete with the third child, it will undoubtedly be a moth to the flame.

Xi Qi felt that this matter was very strange, especially where did he get this order from above.

The eldest brother disappeared in that incident before, and someone even found the exact same person, but it was finally confirmed that it was a fake, just a fake.

Seeing 'Bloody' split like this, doesn't he feel it at all?

Or don't care at all!

The confrontation between him and the third child stemmed from that disappearance. The two parties disagreed. He demanded to see people alive and dead bodies, but the third child was busy rectifying his own strength. It was also at that time that he was hit.

until now!

He didn't care about whether he could compete against him. Everything he did was not to be seen by him. If this continues, don't wait for that man in Shengshi to think about it one day, and he will do it again, and he will surrender.

"How many people do we have?" He asked coldly.

The man hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Except for a few brothers sent out to investigate the situation, there is no one else."

Their power is not here at all, so how can they act on a large scale.

It seems that this time, their chances of success are too low.

Xi Qi was obviously pondering, if it really didn't work, he still had another condition, but now he had to figure out how the third brother easily took over his part of the power.

Maybe it's because the man came back, so he has the right to take back what he has in his hands.

Except that guy!
"This time the two of us are going to act together without anyone else. You can choose to stay and pass on the news." Xizaki said, although his words were always indifferent, he didn't want to keep him as a drag on himself.

That's right!

He just drags himself back.

The man seemed to know this too, "Second Master, I'll meet you outside."

Xizaki nodded after listening, that's fine, if there is something wrong, you can also respond, at least let him confirm some things first.

Thinking about it this way, he still used the last trick and told him directly, "If you feel that the situation is very wrong, go 'over there' to find that man! What he owed back then can be used now."

Kizaki lowered his voice and made the worst plan.

Standing next to him was the driver who jumped off the cliff with him that day. However, in terms of skill, the two were on par, but in terms of brains, Xizaki was far superior to him. It's really inappropriate to bring your own subordinates with you.

"I see." The driver said.

Xizaki waved his hand and let him go to work, but he was thinking about the sudden change.

Five years ago, "Huang Ye" was bloodbathed overnight by his own people, and after the blood was changed again, it was no longer the original killer organization. Their people were involved in far more aspects than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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