Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 291 Admitting Love

Chapter 291 Admitting Love (7)

However, they can't see through this matter. They can also consider adjusting the number of people on the island appropriately. Some people are no longer eligible to stay on the island——

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still, Feng Jin still felt that he would go to Miao Miao to discuss it clearly the next day, otherwise——

Endless troubles!

It's a good thing he came to take over this matter, and now he's rejoicing.

Although there are quite a few people on the island, it is very easy to find a left-handed woman. I thought he would send someone to check immediately...

At least he can be sure that Miao Miao did not do it alone, but she did not hesitate to shake people's hearts.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong, I still plan to have a showdown with her first, it is only a matter of time before this matter is resolved!
While thinking, she also left the laboratory and strode towards her room in the castle.

Miao Miao left at the same time, to go to the northwest jungle entrance.

She understands that the entire island, only there, is not under surveillance. There may be people walking around the outskirts of the jungle, but the further you go in, the less people you will see...

Miaomiao was wearing a cold-colored tights, looking at the entrance of the forest. Even at noon, the sun was shining directly from the top of her head, but the cold and dampness of the big forest in front of her could not be melted away. She walked over and swept over vigilantly, her eyes full of coldness.

She didn't ask her to meet here, how could there be no one!
His eyes suddenly stopped on a certain tree, there was a faint trace there, someone left it on purpose,
Stretching out her hand, she was about to try it out, when a sense of crisis came in the back of her head, and she jumped out of the position just now.

His gaze shot towards the place where he was standing just now like an arrow, and a colorful snake raised its head and spit out a message, sending out a dangerous signal.

He pulled out the sharp knife tied to his feet, and when the snake flew quickly, he raised the knife and dropped it, and jumped a few meters away from the original place again to avoid being touched by the snake liquid.

Didn't even look to see if it hit--

But she was thinking in her mind why she wasn't here. The snake just now was enough for her to be alert. This kind of disgusting thing that was originally found in the depths of the jungle was extremely fast and liked to swim among dead branches and leaves. Just run to the perimeter!
Unless someone brings it out, even Fengjin's laboratory does not have more than two.

The reason why I say two is entirely because of the gregarious nature of this snake, if there is only one, it will die immediately——

So... this one...

Suddenly, her ears were extremely keen to catch countless rustling movements in the grass, her scalp went numb for a while, and then she looked at the snake that was nailed to the ground by her just now, still struggling!

young snake!

Grass! ! !
Miaomiao couldn't help swearing, and was about to dodge to leave, but there was a lot of rustling around, and the movement in the grass was getting louder and louder, forcing her into the jungle.

Without hesitation, he could only avoid the pursuit of this group of snakes first.

While reacting quickly to avoid it, remembering where you just walked.

However, the movement behind him is not only not small, but it is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that there are many people joining in, and the movement is faintly visible around, carefully avoiding the danger among the dead branches and leaves, and has to be forced into the depths!

Only now did she understand, Shi Han!
It was intentional, there are snake eggs over there in the training ground, as long as they hatch...

Running wildly, at high speed, unintentionally sweeping across the scene behind her, moving in a colorful manner, if she hadn't been trained before, she would probably be stunned.

Seriously, the jungle wind blows through the faintly visible sweat on her forehead, and there is only one thought in her mind, if she can't hide it, she will only be eaten...


As long as this thought flashes through my mind, my hair stands on end...

(End of this chapter)

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