Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 294 Northwest Jungle

Chapter 294 Northwest Jungle (2)

Chen frowned indistinctly, "The consequences of drawing them out are not small, are you sure?"

Tian Xin Han nodded, "Immediately ask someone to dig a huge ditch at the exit, sprinkle realgar to prevent them from coming out, since they can't be shaken off, the only option is to destroy them."

Shengshi decided it was feasible, and signaled to Lintian.

Lin Tian nodded, and asked people to start immediately, and asked those who entered to contact them as soon as possible. Almost half of the staff on the island were transferred to the northwest jungle to dig ravines. Snakes are pushing into the jungle, where did these snakes come from!

Tianxin looked not far away, and everyone began to measure, and then picked up the tools very skillfully, very quickly.

Look away and look around.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Miao Miao to come here suddenly, "Sheng Shi, have you asked someone to visit Miao Miao's place?"

Tianxin asked suddenly.

There was a gleam in Sheng Shi's eyes, "No." He just thought of it too!
Tianxin: "Yes."

She bent down, picked up some debris in the grass, and scattered them around. The wind blew it all to pieces, but it was faintly visible that there were words written on it.

Sniff lightly with the nose, you can smell the bloody smell on it, follow the traces of being trampled on the ground, you can see the traces of dried blood, and rub the soil——

Sheng Shi also squatted down and picked up the blood-stained soil, "Judging from the direct sunlight, the time is not too long, only an hour or two."

"Could it be Miu Miu's blood?" she asked.

Sheng Shi shook his head, although Miao Miao looks weak, but she has super explosive power, she won't let people get close easily, then this person is very likely to be that, the woman in the picture, her blood.


Standing not far away, Chen's eyes fixed on the faces of the two, with indescribably complicated eyes.

Whether it's the aura or the proud posture, this is an absolutely suitable pair, how dazzling and dazzling!

look away——

Facing Shang Minxi's deep face, Zhen frowned imperceptibly.

This is not the first time.

Looking at her with that kind of eyes again, what do you mean!
No longer look at him, and did not find myself, no disgust.

The sun moved westward, and the time passed bit by bit. Everyone was worried, and couldn't help being nervous. They didn't know what happened to the people in the jungle!

Because of this, I didn't notice that there was someone sneaking in not far away——

Deep in the jungle.

Miaomiao has been running for four or five hours in a row, already sweating profusely, and even her breath is showing signs of weakness. The coldness in the depths of the jungle can't drive away her boiling blood, and there is a large area chasing after her!

I don't even have the strength to think.

She planned to find a place to hide, but whether it was in the trees, in the water, on land, etc., there was no place for her to hide.

In the dense forest, tangled roots and twigs are entwined. Sometimes they are almost thrown out, but they stand firmly and continue to move forward. The clothes on their bodies are scratched, and blood oozing can be seen faintly. This is also one of the reasons why the snakes are chasing after them.

Bloody smell!

Mixed with the smell of sweat, it flowed into the wound, without any pain, it was so painful that it was numb.

Even with her knowledge of the jungle, she seemed overwhelmed.

I just came out to meet someone, and I didn't bring anything with much fanfare. It's not training, but it's even more embarrassing than when she came here before...

The sensitivity to danger that she has cultivated over the years has allowed her to run to the depths without resistance.


Estimate how long you can last,
(End of this chapter)

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