Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 310 Watching the Sunrise with You

Chapter 310 Watching the Sunrise with You (2)

Not only was he not grateful, her sister did such a thing, but he even covered her from leaving——

"Let's settle this matter privately. Do you know where the person fled?" Minxi looked at her, and seeing her unkind expression, he knew that there was another commotion inside.

Chen Mo was helpless, after a long time, "Country X."

Why didn't she know that Shi Han's scheming was so deep, she even inquired about the distribution of Huang Ye's power, and knew that there was a weak spot, so they would have no way to pursue him deeply...

"When Shi Yi did this, Shi Han really didn't feel anything? It's not that she hasn't learned Huang's rules, it should be engraved in her heart."

Minxi didn't talk much in the first place, but at this moment, she fell into a dead silence again.

The time given by Shengshi is before noon tomorrow at the latest, but, given the current situation, he will definitely not bring him back in time, and what he wants is Shi Yi to send him back in person, which is even more difficult!
In this way, there is no need to hide the matter, I am afraid that Shi Yi will not be able to leave the island this time when he comes back.

"Chasing!" Just try to see how far Huang Ye's current power can penetrate, this part of power can't stay still forever, "Only actual combat is the most effective way."

A look of embarrassment surged between Chen's eyebrows, "Our people over at 'Blood Color' are still investigating, so don't move too much. I forgot to mention that I just received some news not long ago. It seems that this abnormal movement has nothing to do with X There is a relationship with the country, and if you rashly dispatch there, will it reveal your strength..."

Unsuccessful, once the strength is exposed, the loss outweighs the gain.

Minxi looked at her, the corners of his mouth were even a little leisurely, "Chen, I suddenly realized that I have been careful recently—"

Caught his eyes, Chen frowned slightly, and had this kind of gaze again, "You've been very comfortable lately, haven't you, you actually learned to make fun of others."

Coldly retorted back, stopped looking at him, and walked out the door.

This kind of weird atmosphere, whoever likes it——

Minxi's face froze for a moment, watching her leaving back...


Did he tease her just now?
Think about it, since Shengshi has held Tianxin by his side every day, he would rather have her making a fuss than let her go out for a stroll, because Feng Jin is not around, and he has directly locked the laboratory over there, Tianxin can't get in.

If you were joking, it would only be because of the influence of the little girl——

Although he didn't know Shengshi's age, but he saw that little girl looked like a kid, and he thought about it, so he likes this kind of...

A stiff smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, although it was just a tease, it was the progress of the sun coming out from the west...


Shengshi took Tianxin to the small hill on the island. There is a place to rest on it. Here, you can see the grand scenery of the whole island. The sea breeze is gentle, and you can feel the pores of your whole body relax, especially the pair of firm shoulders behind you. Rely on, Tianxin leans back with confidence.

Just want to freeze in this beautiful moment——

A pair of arms gently encircled her waist, and she leaned on her neck enjoying herself, with a smile deepening on the corners of her mouth.

"Xin'er, isn't it very comfortable, I feel a lot more relaxed in my heart!"

"There is such a place. Last time I was fascinated by Feng Jin's laboratory. It seems that there are still many interesting places on this small island. Wow~~"

Sheng Shi secretly smiled.

"Girl, there are no dangerous places on the island, you can move around as you like, if you want to go to other places, you must be accompanied by me, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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