Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 384 Confluence

Chapter 384 Confluence (3)

At the end, it turns out——Xizaki!
There was only a cold indifference left in Sheng Shi's eyes.

He didn't want to know at all how Xi Qi fell into this situation, what he wanted to know now was where he took Tianxin.

It is not difficult to see that Tian Xin left with him voluntarily.

Then where did they go!
Pull off the watch and take out the tracking system inside, because this thing was not very practical at the beginning, so I didn't think about it, now maybe I have to rely on things to find Tianxin's whereabouts.

After connecting, there was indeed a ticking sound, but the red dot just flickered for a while, then disappeared, and then flickered again.

Sheng Shi took the tracker in his hand and immediately rushed towards the approximate direction of the red dot.

The signal is strong and weak.

Although Shengshi has always forgotten this thing on his wrist, what cannot be ignored is its true value.

Even the best tracking system currently used by country E is not as complicated as its principle, nor is it as effective as it.

So Shengshi is guessing, where is the heart of Tianxin, which makes the signal show this kind of beating!

Turn off the sound of the things in your hands, even under the cover of black, you can't accidentally respond, because this is the bloody territory, the firepower outside is obviously weakened, Shengshi knows that time is running out, like the messenger of the dark night, silently Traveling through the night...


After a silent confrontation, it was obvious that Dr. Poison had a tendency to relax.

No matter how you weigh it, nothing is more important than your own life, and even if Ming walks out of this door, he may not be able to get out of this underground.

The blood hole on his forehead was still faintly oozing blood, if Ming just had to hit his hands a little harder, this person would immediately pass out or die from bleeding.

He grasped this point very well.

Ming's face was relaxed from the beginning to the end, as if nothing could make him emotional, bloodthirsty, making people feel cold from the soles of their feet,,,

The third child saw such an expression on his face, his eyes were indifferent, indifferent to everything Ming did.

Because Ming's life is still in his hands.

As long as he destroys that laboratory, he can never come out, but Dr. Poison is a top talent he has cultivated through hard work.

In order to catch Ming at the beginning, he spent a lot of effort, and in the end he even took the shot himself.

It was also because he thought it was credible that he used this man's identity to lurk in Huang Ye. The reason why he was sure was because few people really knew Ming Ming.

Except for the prosperity——

Finally he was found.

Dr. Pou tilted his head, knowing that this was a sign of excessive blood flow, he stretched out his hand, pressed aside, and then entered a series of passwords, all in just a split second.

He moves extremely fast.

But he was quick, the hand of the third child outside was faster, and while he was inputting the password, he only saw a button marked with a ruined foreign language, and that was the button of the destroyed laboratory.

As long as he presses it down, the entire laboratory will be in ruins.

Ming smiled——

Smile so much!

Although the third child didn't hear him laughing, his laughter couldn't be heard, but the posture was full of laughter, and the finger that pressed the keyboard paused, which also gave Dr. Poison time, he paused In the few seconds before, the password was entered quickly, only the sound of clicking on the door was heard, and then the door with a thickness of nearly half a meter finally bounced open slowly.

the door opens--

Ming, however, didn't seem to be in a hurry to get out, and slowly lifted the white coat in his hand, like a worn-out rag, as long as he let go, he would throw it away at will.

(End of this chapter)

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