Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 485 1 Queen's Tone

Chapter 485 The tone of a queen
Why is there a familiar feeling, as if they knew each other before.

Her mind was blank, and she couldn't remember anything. As long as she wanted to recall the person in front of her and explore the blank memories, it would be like being pricked by a needle.

With a muffled grunt, he held his head and shook it vigorously.

Sheng Shi hastily put down the porridge bowl in his hand, and put his hands on her forehead nervously, "What's the matter, do you feel unwell, I'll call the doctor for a checkup immediately."

Tianxin reached out to stop him, and gritted her teeth violently to get rid of the painful feeling.

Sheng Shi stared at her pale cheeks, not letting go of any expression, "Is it because you are not feeling well, you go to sleep first, maybe it is the physical discomfort caused by getting up suddenly, how about going to sleep first..."

"Who are you!!" Some pale lips moved slightly, even though his body was weak, the clarity in his eyes revealed truth.

She asked, who is he!


"Xin'er, I am your husband, husband means husband-in-law, you should understand this?"

This sentence, every time I talked to Tianxin, Sheng Shi always emphasized it again, and took the trouble.

Standing at the door, Bai Xinlan stopped moving her hands, thought for a while, and then retracted them.

Tianxin's condition is unstable these days, and Sheng Shi is good enough to take care of her. She still doesn't want to go in. If she has time, it's better to help Sheng Shi block the group of difficult elders outside, so as to save the two sides from quarrelling.

In the room, a pillow flew across the room, followed by an earth-shattering monotone, "Get out!"

Sheng Shi caught the flying thing steadily, with a flattering smile on his face, "Xin'er, I didn't lie to you, I have countless witnesses and evidence, if you don't believe me, I can show you more—"

Before he finished speaking, the remote control came from nowhere, and it was thrown directly on his handsome face. If he didn't dodge in time, it would not be a face, but a red patch under the bridge of his nose.

Tianxin thought that the man in front of her was someone who could be controlled, but after three days, she discovered that he was a guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Frowning, it's strange, I've never seen such a cute adjective.

Then he looked at the gentle man in front of him——

Tianxin has been trying to escape these days, wanting to know where she is, but only remembers that after entering the temple, she has no memory anymore, but the man next to her insists that she is her husband-in-law, where did she come from? , is simply nonsense.

But she still can't escape his palm.

If he couldn't escape, he tossed him vigorously. Serving tea and water was a trivial matter. It didn't matter if the tea was a little too hot, or even if it was a little cold.

"What's your name!" Commanded in a queenly tone, with a blunt tone.

After all, it fell into the hands of the other party, who had just beaten him up, and asked for alms, indeed, it was a bit blunt to ask someone's name.

A light flashed in Sheng Shi's gentle black eyes, he took a step forward, Tian Xin took a step back vigilantly, after thinking for a while, he took another two steps forward.

The stubborn expression on her face was not inferior to the one she took for granted when she entered the company by mistake.

"Xin'er, you finally asked my name."

Facing such a man, Tian Xin just felt a little bit flabbergasted. If it wasn't for the kind of true feelings, she would have sent him out with a punch.

"Prosperity." He whispered two words lightly.

Tian Xin's heart was shocked, and she froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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