Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 519 One Palm Call

Chapter 519
Fortunately, he was patient at the time. Fortunately, he abducted the person out that time. Otherwise, the relationship is difficult now. I don't know how many years and months I will have to wait to catch this little thing!

Tianxin moved closer, hugged his head, and forced his eyes to meet, "That woman at that time, although I only saw this one, don't try to lie to me..."

Sheng Shi kissed angrily, but Tianxin thought he was guilty, and the more guilty Sheng Shi was, the more she felt there was a problem.

Bianzui, "Is there such a thing..."

"..." Shengshi.

At that time, he brought a woman with him, who seemed to be the daughter of Su Linhao, who knew that she would still think of it after so long.

"Maybe when I didn't see it, there would be countless others, paired with him..." Tian Xin muttered, as long as he thought of those scenes, he felt the urge to beat up Sheng Shi severely.

And he has no expression, and no expression is a guilty conscience.

"No, it's just for eating." Sheng Shi replied simply, he would not be so stupid to add another sentence, once, but it didn't work, who made his mind full of someone's shadow.

If you want to talk about before, then there is nothing, as she said, a leaf does not touch the body.

This kind of purposeful woman is disgusting to see, and he just handed it over to Shi Yi.

When Shi Yi dealt with those women, he also knew that in a dark environment, a woman would never see the same face more than once, no matter how powerful she was, she would not be able to see through it.

Besides, if he hadn't been so big and brainless, he wouldn't let people follow him.

As for whether Shi Yi did it himself, he didn't know.

But if you tell Xin'er about this kind of thing, she probably won't believe it, so it doesn't matter whether you say it or not...

Tianxin's face was stinky, and it felt like the person who had labeled himself was actually someone to be confirmed.

"It's just for a meal, I don't believe it, with your personality..."

Sheng Shi squinted his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed, "My personality? Don't you know my personality best? Do you want me to prove anything?"

Sheng Shi squinted his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed, "My personality? Don't you know my personality best? Do you want me to prove anything?"

Suddenly, he showed a faint smile, stretched out his hand and pulled Tianxin's head closer, "Xin'er, what do you think we will do, or, do you want to test it yourself?"

Tian Xin's ears warmed up, and she hurriedly pushed him away, "What's the matter, I don't know what you guys will do!"

Of course, just do this—

Sheng Shi suddenly pulled her into his arms.

"..." Tianxin.

This pose...


"Ah! Shengshi, you're playing a hooligan again!!" Tian Xin screamed, and slapped him.

Sheng Shi took a step ahead of her, and pressed his arms tightly in his arms.

"Let go of me if you have the ability!" Tianxin's face turned red, she couldn't move, even her mouth was blocked, but the huge force on her waist prevented her from moving half a bit.

The only way to suppress Tianxin!

Shengshi has won the essentials, and he can also take the opportunity to play hooligans, no, this is the love between them, don't forget, they are already a couple in name.

Kiss again.

After kissing for a long time, she was naturally suffocated, and Tianxin struggled less and less. This advantage is not only reflected in the natural gap, but also because she is a woman, and her strength itself is not comparable to Shengshi. Moreover, Shengshi's kiss, Strong and domineering, it directly cut off all her breathing.
(End of this chapter)

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