Chapter 521
She knew that it was right to leave them room for development, but this girl didn't cling to her, and she really felt empty in her heart.

In the past few months, everything in the company, as long as I think of Tianxin, the only person who gave her sincerity, I feel very motivated.

She wanted to step into their circle, instead of relying on Tianxin as a way to forcefully stay by her side.

But now she has a prosperous age, everything about her is about the prosperous age, is there no place for her in my heart?

Then everything she worked hard for...

There are four people at the dinner table.

Ming has been eating as if nothing had happened, everything around him has nothing to do with him.

Shengshi felt that Yang Nuannuan seemed to be depressed, seeing Tianxin frowning from time to time, looking absent-minded...

Could it be that they had a bad fight in the afternoon?

After dinner, Sheng Shi took advantage of Tianxin's bath time to quietly call out Yang Nuannuan's performance in the past few months. Sheng's relationship was not used.

As for her quick promotion, it should have something to do with Shi Yi.

A quick promotion means that she is under tremendous pressure, and because of Yang Nuannuan's family, the pressure is even greater.

Moreover, she hardly ever gets along well with anyone, so this kind of pressure cannot be dispelled, and it naturally accumulates.

Xin'er was the only one she was familiar with.

But compared to before, it can be said that every point and every drop of Xin'er's life now has his shadow.

Sheng Shi put down the controller in his hand and finally realized a problem.

Could it be that Yang Nuannuan is regretting leaving Tianxin at the beginning——

"Xin'er, maybe you can chat with her through messages." Sheng Shi said lightly.

As soon as Tianxin came out of the shower, he heard him say this.

Could it be that even Shengshi felt that Nuannuan was unhappy?
Throughout the night, Sheng Shi didn't pester Tianxin, but just lay quietly beside her, watching the light of the mobile phone shine on Tianxin's face, and it never went out.

With Shengshi's permission, Tianxin completes her adventures exactly.

This is the first time Tianxin stayed up late.

They stayed up very badly, and the two whispered all night long. It wasn't until the middle of the night that they couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell asleep.

Sheng Shi quietly took her mobile phone, the complete conversation record.

"Nuannuan, I think you are unhappy, is it because of me..."


Sheng Shi watched a short paragraph, at first Yang Nuannuan was stubborn and refused to admit it...

"Then tell me about your work! I want to know what you have done for so long..."

Tianxin bypassed her words and hit the point directly.

This is also some information that Sheng Shi read for her, and also told her that Yang Nuannuan is very stressed.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's getting late in Tianxin, so you should have a good rest!"


At the end of this sentence, Tianxin sent a big sad expression.

In the end, Yang Nuannuan felt his scalp numb and surrendered.

Another small bunch of meaningless words, never getting to the point, and even many times, Yang Nuannuan urged her to sleep, but Tianxin finally stopped her with a word.

"I don't think there's anything good about your job. Let Shengshi resign for you tomorrow! It's an eyesore to me, but you're being tossed like this."

Now Yang Nuannuan panicked.

In her impression, Sheng Shi, a wife slave, must obey what he says, as long as Tian Xin complains a little, he must do it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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