Chapter 531 Tears
"He will always be with me." Tian Xin hesitated, and the strength on his shoulders loosened.

Yang Nuannuan took a step back in frustration, and smiled wryly when she heard her words.

How could she have forgotten that since love can make Tianxin willing to stay, it can also make Shengshi stay with Tianxin and accompany her to that distant country.

But what about her!

I will lose my friend Tianxin forever.

Never see you again--

"Nuannuan." Tianxin stepped forward, trying to comfort her.

There is no permanent banquet in life.

The words came to my lips, but I couldn't speak them.

She understands!

Understand what she means to Nuan Nuan!
Yang Nuannuan swallowed the sadness in his heart, forced a smile on his face, "It's okay, as long as you are happy."


As long as you are happy.

When Tianxin heard these words, she couldn't say it. She was happy, but she wondered whether Nuan Nuan was also happy, and how could she be happy.

For several days in a row, she dared not look into Yang Nuannuan's eyes, the kind of soft sadness just like when she left her mother, fainted quietly in the bottom of her heart.

Zhong Ziyan stayed in his room every day, meditating and resting his mind.

Waiting for the best time.

To Tianxin and the others, there was no mention of going back.

Because Sheng Shi made the decision without authorization and Tian Xin was in a low mood, he didn't think of what Zhong Ziyan gave him that day for a few days.

However, Tianxin seemed a little dazed when she got up early, her eyes dodged, and she didn't say anything when she asked.

But when he was asleep, he always stared at him obsessively.

This discovery made Sheng Shi suddenly depressed. He accidentally picked up the thing Zhong Ziyan gave him that day, which was about Xiu's hiding. When a person changes identities every day, it is of course difficult for them to find out. Paper.

The secret about the last heavy hand against Tianxin.


"Xin'er, you're always staring at me, don't you feel tired?" Sheng Shi didn't open his eyes, and even breathed evenly, as if he was in a deep sleep.

Stretching out his arms, he brought the person into his arms.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Not tired." Tian Xin leaned on his heart, listening to the strong heartbeat.

In the past few days, she has been thinking that God is so kind to her, and it is because of this kindness that she has no way to give up.

She didn't want to abandon her parents, she didn't want to abandon the prosperous age, and she didn't want to let Nuannuan and the national teacher feel sad and disappointed.

Because there are too many scruples, even myself becomes tired and tired.


She will never let go.

"You remember it, don't you?" Sheng Shi rubbed his delicate neck with his palm, caught the shyness flashing in his eyes, and knew that she had already remembered.

About that secret.

Zhong Ziyan had actually talked to her before.

It's just that her amnesia, together with the conversation between them, is forgotten together.

That's why Zhong Ziyan asked her to remember, and then went to find him!
If he knew that by doing that, he could take all her pain on him, he probably wouldn't hesitate any more.

Tian Xin bounced up suddenly, and pinched his face fiercely, "I warned you a long time ago, you are not allowed to think about it."

"I really regret it." Sheng Shi smiled.

Tianxin let go, and buried him directly in his arms like an ostrich, "Fortunately, I didn't think about it at that time, and my husband didn't tell you about it."

It's just that she still didn't expect it to be his tears.

To make a man cry, it really depends on what kind of person he is, but Shengshi——

He would rather someone kill him, and he is afraid that he is still laughing. Finally, he knows that the tears that dripped on her shoulder that day turned out to be his tears.

Shengshi is actually for her.

(End of this chapter)

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