Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 541 Have you ever loved me

Chapter 541 Have you ever loved me
The killing intent emanating from Sheng Shi was enough to soften his hands, and the figures of the three of them were slowly fading away, unable to move, and no one could move.

Even Zhong Ziyan, who was in charge of the entire formation, had a serious expression on his face, and kept the original movements in his hands.

How did he know the weakness of the formation?
Before they left, the black stone fell, and they would be shattered, or they would not be able to return to the sky at all!

The breath-taking light ignited on Tianxin's wrist again, as if feeling an unusual breath, the black stone swayed slightly, Zhong Ziyan quickly calmed down and stabilized the position of the black stone.

The last time he tried the formation suddenly flashed in his mind.

Hearing the bang sound, it should be that someone moved his black stone position, so that he received a strong backlash——

"It's him!"

Xu Zhendong.

Ah!This father and son is really not something to worry about.

"Xu Jinxi, what do you want to do!" Tian Xin roared, and she was about to leave, holding her heart in his hand, but he deliberately destroyed it.

In the center of the radiance, the complexion became strange.

Tianxin tightly grasped the prosperity——

I just hope that someone will stop him now, they can't just be left like this, or simply disappear--

Xu Jinxi walked out step by step, fixed outside the formation, her eyes wandered around their tightly held hands, as if being ignited by a fuse, her eyes suddenly appeared ferocious, "Tianxin, why have you always been indifferent to me, but why are you always so indifferent to me? to accept him?"

He couldn't figure it out. He gave all his heart to one person, but she trampled on her without hesitation.

This fact made him unacceptable!

Sheng Shi squinted his eyes, staring at his hand holding the gun, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes, if he guessed right, Xu Jinxi probably entered from the front, or he had already ambushed here before.

After he took down the building of the Xu Group, he had already been noticed.

It's just that the current situation is not good. Although he doesn't know the role of this black stone in the entire formation, he can still feel the huge energy reaction it released during Feng Jin's experiment before.

Decide not to let him destroy it! !
Tian Xin was stunned for a moment.

The other two were also frowning, but Sheng Shi ignored his word "easy" from the bottom of his heart, "Xu Jinxi, if you can say the word "easy", you don't deserve her."

He and Tianxin really love each other, and the "easy" in his mouth means that it took a full two years, and he wished to be by his side every day.

If it hadn't been for Zhong Ziyan's accident, he would have no reason to let her stay in a fair manner.

Xu Jinxi just stared at Tianxin.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Tianxin's body was a little more transparent again, and she looked at the crazy person not far away with complicated eyes, but her voice was unambiguous, "Xu Jinxi, I told you back then, don't decide my affairs , when you were quietly preparing for the wedding, did you consider my feelings?"

"It's because of this reason that you don't hesitate to throw yourself into his arms?"

He slammed his pistol at Sheng Shi, pointing directly at Sheng Shi's eyebrows, as if this was no reason at all.

The voice was hoarse like a knife saw, "Tell me, have you ever loved me, even for a moment?"

"Are you short of a moment of charity? Don't say that Tianxin didn't care about you at all, what's the result if he cared? She is my wife now, and I want to accompany her to leave. If Mrs. Xu is still Mrs. Xu at this time, You can do all of this." Sheng Shi uttered the cruel truth coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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