Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 543 Even worse than 2 years ago

Chapter 543 Even worse than two years ago
In the dark, Shi Yi put away his gun and looked at everything in front of him indifferently, as long as Mr. Sheng left, there was no need for him to appear.

He glanced at the helicopter hidden in the sky not far away.

A few are still here!

It seems that they have received Mr. Sheng's things——

Thinking about it, it was really dangerous just now, he didn't even know how Xu Jinxi ran up, and that Gu Sichen was even harder to deal with!
He has grown up very fast, Gu Yuan has already given everything to him——

He picked up the black stone that had rolled down to his feet, turned around, and left.

Since you can't stop all of this from happening, then do your job well, Huang Ye is Huang Ye, without Mr. Sheng, Huang Ye will not decline.

Sheng Shi, even more so!

A helicopter in the air not far away.

"I just said don't come, and you won't see it when you come." Ming Jun stared at the scars on his face.

"You shut up, it's all because of you." Feng Jin spat fiercely, put down the binoculars, and on the roof in the distance, after the light was shining, it suddenly disappeared, and it was those three people who disappeared together.

"Hmph, if not, I never hit women, do you think you can win me?" Rubbing the scars on his face, he frowned indistinctly.

There was also a time limit for coming back, and he didn't even say anything, just leaving everything to him.

Well what does that mean!

"Si Yun, since the boss left without making a sound and left everything to you, he probably already had plans." Chen said seriously.

Ming suddenly had a bad feeling, "What do you mean?"

"Of course you don't have a vacation. You don't have the right to take a vacation. There are a lot of things in Huangye. Although I don't know when the boss will come back, if you finish playing with Huangye before he comes back, he will let you go." Over you?" Miaomiao smiled sinisterly, "Also, let's settle the account of your unauthorized actions last time!"

Although Minxi and Lintian didn't speak, their expressions and scarred faces have already told Ming their attitude.

"Oh... I don't know how long I'll be away this time, I hope I don't come back again—" Ming bypassed their words and sighed.

This sentence undoubtedly aroused the hidden worries in everyone's heart.

Ten murderous gazes shot away.

The tense atmosphere is about to explode!

At different heights, Yang Nuannuan held a cup of hot tea in his hand and stood on the roof of the apartment building. Here, he could see the tall buildings in the distance. It wasn't until the light rising into the sky disappeared that the confusion in his eyes gradually became clear.

Night of the full moon——

He raised his head and looked at the full moon above his head, even holding the hot tea in his hand, it was still unstoppably cold.

Is that beam of light the proof that Tianxin left?
Raising his hand, letting the moonlight shine on his palm, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Even if my heart is sad now, Tianxin, you must come back. I will cook a table of good dishes for you at that time. I believe you will come back..." He held the cup tightly in his hand.

From the bottom of my heart, I must come back...


In the 25th year of Chongyuan, the Sky Palace showed another vision, a ray of light shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire capital. The originally deserted palace was like a drop of water splashing into a frying pan, breaking the peace of countless people in just a moment.

In Qionghua Palace.

There was a loud bang, and the maid watched the whole palace being illuminated, and the pot she was holding suddenly shook off, and then someone rushed in to report.

"King to queen, a vision suddenly appeared in the temple, and the light shone through the entire capital, which was even brighter than two years ago—"

(End of this chapter)

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