Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 553 When will it start?

Chapter 553 When will it start?
Of course she knew that Sheng Shi couldn't be with her all the time, at least now there should be many people looking at her, and she couldn't cause trouble to her father and mother.

With the prosperous age, she can also be more cheerful.

Sheng Shi left, Tian Xin also freed her wrist, carefully twisted it a few times, and put away the handcuffs again.

Yuan Yu asked curiously, "Xin'er, what is this?"

Because the two of them were bound by this thing before, she asked Mo Aofeng to try to open it, not only that, even Xiner's brothers didn't break it.

Tian Xin got up, went straight to her seat, and squeezed into her arms, "This is called handcuffs. When I came back, I was worried that I would be separated from him, so I handcuffed the two of them. I don't need it now, so I will put them away first, hehe. "

What kind of idea was in her heart, Yuan Yu knew it at a glance, and planned to use this thing to punish people!
"Now it's time to talk to the queen mother, where have you been for the past two years?" Yuan Yu stroked his head affectionately, his worry was palpable, "The queen mother is really worried about you."

"Well, I know." Tian Xin lowered her eyes, and a flash of apology flashed again.

With a flash in his eyes, Yang smiled and said, "But I'm not coming back."

"It's what I told you just now, a mysterious world...that day and the national teacher was engulfed in the temple, and we fell into a world with advanced civilization..." Tian Xin thought about it. Two years ago, she fell into the 21st century. , and everything that has happened since then.

Everything is incredible.

It's obviously hard to believe, but she doesn't have to worry, the national teacher is the best proof.

Tianxin talked about everything that happened to her in the past two years, and of course the dangerous things in the middle were ignored by her. Most of them were about the things between Shengshi and her, and she used metaphors from time to time.

How could the experience of the past two years be finished in one or two hours.

Tianxin was like a storyteller, spitting and splattering, Yuan Lai listened carefully, but she could tell that the man named Sheng Shi was sincere to Tianxin, so at least she could feel at ease.

Presumably with those noble children, this one should be counted as standing upright and holding up the sky.

And the status is also very noble, they can abandon everything for Tianxin, they have no reason to stop it.

Tianxin is already twenty, even if they forcibly betroth her to a marriage, the life behind her will be difficult, especially with this tricky personality.

It would be best to have that man—

Royal study.

Cigarettes curled up from the cauldron.

Zhong Ziyan didn't have time to go back and change his clothes, so he was directly summoned into the imperial study room, along with several other princes.

"National teacher, Nan Wang has been making frequent movements in the past two years, and he used his heart to play up rumors to confuse the public."

Mo Junxiao didn't care about other aspects, and directly stated the key points of the past two years. After he and Tianxin left, Nanwang was ready to move again.

Because there is no tangible evidence, they are now in a very passive position.

"And this year, he recruited troops secretly. Although he did it very secretly, our people still noticed it."

Zhong Ziyan's hand holding the corner of the table tightened suddenly, but another thing flashed through his mind.

"Your Majesty, when did this matter start?"

Mo Aofeng: "It will be about two months after you and Tianxin leave."

His eyes suddenly sank, his expression solemn.

At that time, he was overwhelmed, there were more than one problem, and he had to devote his energy to take care of Yuan Yu, and he didn't realize it was unusual until two months later.

(End of this chapter)

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