Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 555 Powerless civilians

Chapter 555 Powerless civilians

Or Zhong Ziyan who made eye contact and nodded slightly.

But he didn't pay attention to the four people around him, who were even naive and bluffing than Tianxin.

The attitude of the other three people seeing him has always been indifferent, and they didn't seem to be affected in any way.

Mo Junyu was overwhelmed with anger, stood up suddenly, and attacked Shengshi's legs in a flash.

Don't dodge or dodge, stay calm.

At the moment when he was about to attack, he gently moved sideways and pushed away with a movement of his hand, avoiding him with four or two moves.

With a bang, Mo Junyu was sent back to the chair he was sitting on just now.

Zhong Ziyan was not surprised, if Shengshi only had this skill, he was not worthy of him saying that.

Mo Junyu still wanted to move, but Mo Aofeng had already opened his mouth.

"Yu'er, that's enough."

Mo Junying beside him also held him with one hand, looking at Sheng Shi with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Prosperity?" Mo Aofeng said coldly.

"Hmm." Sheng Shi's attitude was surprisingly calm, with undercurrents surging in his eyes, and his mind was not on dealing with the people next to him.

I didn't come here directly just now, but went to other places first, and roughly glanced at the development history of this country. It is not considered a big country, at most it is a middle-level feudal dynasty.

Cast his eyes on Mo Aofeng again.

"Do you know that my princess is not so easy to marry?" Mo Aofeng said, and in an instant, the other people's thoughts were turned on it.

"I know, but I have to marry." He was always as calm as water, his movements were leisurely, and he found a seat for himself to sit down.

He doesn't need to stand alone like he's being interrogated.

Mo Aofeng didn't say anything, and Zhong Ziyan didn't speak either.

"You—" Just this calm look made Mo Junyu's seven orifices smoke, wishing he could go up and fight.

But why did the third brother press him.

Mo Junying was thinking about his actions just now, and he easily flicked Jun Yu away. He knew how much the four brothers were, or the abilities of these four brothers.

Jun Yu has no room to fight back——

But Mo Junxiao cared about what Zhong Zi said just now, he can make the sky flourish, and the move to repel the four princes just now is not simple.

On the other hand, Mo Junjin looked at Mo Aofeng, waiting for his next words.

"You're straightforward, but Tianxin is all for you, you'd better show proof that you are worthy of her—" Mo Aofeng said bluntly.

He just wanted to see it with his own eyes.

"Conditions." Sheng Shi pursed his lips.

This made the eyes of the four people sitting opposite them shine at the same time.

When Mo Aofeng received the gazes of the four, he knew what they wanted to do, but he didn't have to think about it if he could convince the four princes.

"Defeat the four of them." Mo Aofeng glanced at the four of them. Since they are interested, leave Tianxin's affairs to them, "And, Tianxin's affairs must be resolved."

Solve Tianxin's matter——

"Of course." The corner of Sheng Shi's mouth moved slightly, since it was Tian Xin's business, of course he would not push it away.

But the concept is vague...

Tianxin's matter, at first glance, is about Tianxin's sudden appearance, and he needs an explanation, an explanation for everyone.

However, this explanation is for the people of the world, and it takes a little effort to convince the people of the world.

In his world, fists are the last word. As for this kind of feudal country, they can only be used as auxiliary tools. Besides, he can only be regarded as a powerless commoner now.

(End of this chapter)

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