Chapter 566
Binglan drank it in one gulp, and before she could catch her breath, she hurriedly said, "I heard that the Prime Minister is here these days, what's abominable is that he used Nan Wang's oppression as an excuse to speak ill of the princess, or are you an ominous person?" omen."

Sweeping Tianxin's darkening face, and the two clusters of small flames dancing in his eyes, he whispered in surprise, "I heard that he still wanted to take the person who was with you into custody, but he was suppressed by the national teacher." go down."

Tianxin slapped the table with his palm, his face was more ugly than ever, the damn old thing, if he didn't clean him up for three days, his whole body would be itchy.

"I'm going to see what he can do with me!!" Tian Xin gulped down two mouthfuls of water, and killed in the direction of the imperial study.

Binglan looked at it, panicked and hurriedly chased after her, "Princess, you must calm down, you must calm down, the right minister is old and frail, don't do anything, just think of other ways, don't be impulsive—"

It was noon, the discussion in the imperial study was over, and the people inside came out one after another.

The hall door opened, and the suppressed and terrifying atmosphere slowly dissipated.

Prime Minister Right gave a cold snort, and walked straight out, with a ruthless gleam in his eyes, and then strode away as if he had made up his mind.

"Hey, isn't this the Right Prime Minister?" Tian Xin gritted his teeth with a smile all over his face.

"See Her Royal Highness." Although Su Jin was extremely unwilling, he saluted, but he didn't pay attention to the person in front of him.

"Binglan, are you sure this is the right-hand man? Why hasn't he been more honest for a long time?" Tianxin whispered to Binglan.

Su Jin's anger rose, and he shook his sleeves and said, "Princess, I advise you to stay in Chaoyang Palace and not come out, otherwise it is really hard to guarantee that such a thing will happen again, and the national teacher will suffer with you."

They actually came back, why——

Tianxin rested her chin and thought, "I don't think so. This princess is deeply favored by the heavens. Since she was born, the weather has always been smooth, and this time she came back to bring God's will to rejuvenate my heavenly kingdom. Didn't the national teacher tell you this? ?”

She said in amazement, "Tsk tsk, Prime Minister You has worked so hard and is truly a pillar of the country. Look at Mr. Guoshi, come with me on this trip. Except for a radiant face and a little increase in ability and mana, there is nothing else. contribute."

She deliberately raised her voice.

There are a lot of people in the palace, and it will spread to the outside in a short time. She has a deep understanding of this speed of spread——

Su Jin snorted coldly, "God's will? It's all nonsense, princess, you'd better stop pretending to scare the old man, the old man wasn't frightened by you."

Tianxin smirked, and became serious, "Your Honor, tonight, you must evacuate the mansion, otherwise you will not only risk your property, but also be careful of your old life. Don't ask me why, the secret must not be leaked."

"You—" You Xiangqi's face turned blue and white alternately.

First he said he seized power, then he said he was old, and now he cursed that something happened in his house. If this girl is not a princess, he will definitely not let her go!

Bear with her for a while, before long, he will let her know that some people are not easy to offend.

Tian Xin shook her head and left, "Remember, remember."

Hearing a cold snort behind him, Tian Xin showed a big, sinister smile.

She is not angry!

How could she not be angry——

Relying on the military power he had previously held, this old man has been reluctant to hand it over, otherwise, the father will not have nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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