Chapter 568
"Xin'er, what are you thinking?" Sheng Shi looked at the listless man, and didn't seem to want to move at all.

Tian Xin squinted at him, made an explosive movement, and pouted slightly, "Boom!"

The flowers trembled with laughter, "It must be so cool."

"Where did it come from?" Sheng Shi was curious, but remembering the last time she disappeared suddenly, she went to see Feng Jin, could it be true...


Sheng Shi squeezed his slender shoulders, "It can be used, but you are not afraid that he will miss you, you don't know how to save people's attention, and you actually tell him the consequences directly - even if you miss other innocent people, but you can If you stay in the right minister's mansion, will you have any tricks?"

"Hey, this princess is the least afraid of trouble. I'm living a very boring life. Fighting with the prime minister is a lot of fun..." Tian Xin said shaking his head.

"You will know the consequences when the time comes."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not that you are still holding on, if you can't stand it, it's still my father, anyway, he can't kill me, I like the right side, watching me vomit blood angrily." Tianxin laughed.

She likes to look at her from the right and feel uncomfortable, but she can't even touch half of her hair.

Sheng Shi fondled her head and smiled, "As long as you are happy."

Tianxin stuck out her tongue, "Can you tell me what you guys are discussing these days, and they are always buried in the imperial study."

Bing Lan was listening with something confused, she didn't understand a word they said.

But after a while, someone came to invite Sheng Shi again, but Tianxin could see that this attitude was more respectful every time!

Forget it--

Who let them be their own relatives, but it is heart-burning enough for national affairs. When Shengshi left, Tianxin took Binglan to sit on the swing together, "I will make something for your uncle later, all the brain cells will die. pushed."

There were only three words on Bing Lan's forehead, which she couldn't understand.

I couldn't understand what she was talking about. I couldn't understand that Tianxin had been away for two years, and she was full of weird words, and she seemed to be very compatible with that person.

But Bing Lan didn't dare to raise her head to look directly at her. In the past, she always felt that the third prince was silent and it was difficult to communicate, and the surrounding momentum was so overwhelming that people in the palace dared not take a second look. Now, the future son-in-law made her find it difficult to breathe. , Look at it more, I can't breathe.

In the end, he just agreed and said that she had never been out of the palace in the past two years, so the two of them took the opportunity in the afternoon and sneaked out of the palace.

Yingcheng Street is as bustling as ever.

Looking at the street from the street, Tianxin saw the hustle and bustle of people coming and going. He was used to the world of the 21st century, and when he looked at the stalls in the streets and alleys, he suddenly felt that it was boring, and he was only interested in Binglan.

She rewarded Bing Lan with silver, saying that she had suffered in the past two years and she was mentally compensated, and she was dragged out when she didn't understand what these four words meant.

"My lord, do you think this looks good?"

On South Street of Yingcheng, a handsome and elegant man suddenly appeared, followed by an ugly girl.

Tianxin made an exception this time and asked Binglan to wear women's clothes, because all she wanted to buy were her daughter's things. It didn't seem bad for a big man to take a servant to buy women's things, it was definitely not good.

Binglan made such a sound, Tianxin nodded in satisfaction, but the girl is not like her, spending money lavishly, even if she rewards a lot.

There is no way, this is what Sheng Shi used to come out of. Compared with Sheng Shi's sweeping shopping, she can be regarded as very frugal.

(End of this chapter)

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