Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 571 Specially Chosen

Chapter 571 Specially Chosen
"No, it's about time for her to come back. The game of chess is too long, and now is not the time to play chess." Sheng Shi said in a deep voice, and turned his gaze to him.

This was the first time talking to Mo Junying alone. He never talked much, but he could see through it better than the others.

When their eyes met, Mo Junying couldn't help but feel a chill in his soul.

That kind of deepness like ink is what they lack, and he can faintly feel the flourishing age. He has a bloody breath all over his body, but he is very proficient in disguising and hiding, and he is very restrained.

Not only that, but in front of Tianxin, this man was so considerate that he couldn't believe it.

"Shengshi, I'm back la la la la~~" A light voice came from far to near, and even without thinking, he knew who was coming back.

Tianxin was very happy bouncing around, because she got addicted as soon as she went out.

Sheng Shi suddenly caught the person who jumped up and hugged him, "What did you go out of the palace for?"

"I didn't do anything!" Tianxin stuck out her tongue and tilted her head, "Hey, brother Wang, are you here?"

Binglan saluted lightly, then stepped aside.

"Xin'er, what are you planning to treat Brother Wang to eat?" Mo Junying put down the teacup in his hand, looked at the gentle man, and secretly thought that he was right.

"It's delicious..." Tianxin thought for a while, touched her already hungry belly, and said aggrievedly, "Shengshi, you roast chicken for me..."

"Okay." Sheng Shi hugged her, and went straight to the outside of the inner hall, under the big pagoda tree in Chaoyang Palace, regardless of whether the people behind him followed, "I'll get someone to prepare the grill, you finish your sentence first. "

Tianxin nodded obediently, and stretched out her head, "Binglan, bring the baby bag from my bedroom, be careful, there are heavy things inside." She blinked mysteriously as she spoke.

Tianxin sat on the swing, while Mo Junying sat down on the stone bench beside him, while the maid brought tea and put out some delicate pastries.

"Xin'er, what bad idea are you planning?" Mo Junying looked at Tianxin carefully, and it was true that she hadn't seen her for two years. She was more lively than before, and it seemed that her gestures were less burdensome. Is it because of that man?

Tianxin swayed leisurely, continued to pretend to be mysterious, showing six white teeth, "Brother Wang, we only eat delicious food today, and don't talk about anything else."

Mo Junying raised his eyebrows, picked up the teacup beside him, and said no more.

Since he was purposely called here by himself, he had his own intentions, so he had to tell him sooner or later, and there was no rush at this moment.

He said it to Tianxin, suddenly interested in roast chicken?
She really dotes on everything and is lawless, to let a man cook for her by himself, it's nothing more than an ordinary man, they might think it's a sign of flattery, but Shengshi is not——

But after a while, Shengshi came back, and Binglan came over with her bag in her arms, "Brother Wang, I came back this time and brought some souvenirs. Although I know you are not too rare, I still think I want to give it to you. This is my special gift." Chosen?"

Tian Xin put a miniature bomb in his hand and grinned.

And there was a note at the bottom, which was the usage and purpose of the bomb, "Hee hee, thank you, Brother Wang~"

Mo Junying looked curiously at the very small thing in his hand, and seemed to be able to see the veins faintly. He couldn't allow him to think too much, so he put it away, "That's why you want to invite me to eat?"

"I'm afraid that Brother Wang won't accept my gift—" Tian Xin said coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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