Chapter 592
Taking advantage of that moment, when everyone was not paying attention, Binglan helped the evildoer, and stole a few small oranges, put them in her palm, for three or four hours, just let her manipulate her without moving.

But Tianxin's mouth was not lonely, and she carefully peeked around.

Afterwards, Yuan Lai personally came to help her onto the sedan chair, and whispered a few words in his ear, "Xin'er, the queen mother is really happy for you."

"Thank you, Queen Mother." She trembled suddenly.

When everyone thought that under the hijab was reluctance, they couldn't help but praise the princess's filial piety when they were emotional. God knew Tianxin just ate too much and couldn't help hiccupping.

Because the princess got married and did not go out of the palace, Sheng Shi had to take a sedan chair around Yingcheng symbolically. From being helped on the sedan chair at noon to when the lights were brightly lit, Tianxin stayed in the sedan chair obediently all the time. The noisy voices in the ears came and went, and the voices of various discussions were heard in the ears, but it was also a special feeling.

Apart from the apple in my hand, and a little food hidden in the armhole, when I think of it, I throw a few in my mouth to pass the boring time.

Even so, Tian Xin sat in the sedan chair for several hours, only feeling that her back was shaken.

Returning to Chaoyang Palace, it was another scene. As her and Shengshi's future bedroom, Chaoyang Palace was incomparably neater than it was before going out.

The roots of the ears were clean for a while.

Only the dowry maid, Bing Lan, remained.

"Binglan, it's so quiet. Is no one here?" Tianxin lifted a corner of the hijab, glanced around and saw that no one was moving around, and made sure it was true, so he let out a sigh.

A hard look.

When Binglan came back, she hurriedly pulled up her hijab, "Princess, this is going to be provoked by the son-in-law, so don't take it off."

"But I'm bored and uncomfortable—" Tianxin was already on the verge of being driven crazy. She was at the mercy of others for a whole day, and she was bumping around in the sedan chair for a long time, with the veil covering her head, which only made her irritable.

"Then you uncover it for a while, and I'll watch out for you. If anyone comes, I'll call you outside the door immediately."

Tianxin chicken nodded like pecking at rice, gently lifted half of the hijab, and put it on his head.

She doesn't want to know what Sheng Shi is doing now, and her neck is close to collapse.

Along the way, she pressed the phoenix crown on her head countless times with her fingers, hoping to rest for a while, but every time the phoenix crown was pressed again, she only felt extremely dizzy.

She would never want to experience this kind of experience again, it was simply suffering.

Bing Lan carefully stood outside the door to guard her, happy from the bottom of her heart, no one knew how sad she was when she saw the princess wandering around the streets and alleys for so many years, and then was told that she couldn't get married.

Their princess is so good, but she dragged her so hard that she didn't even look up to any men, and she also felt that those men were unworthy.

But in a woman's life, there is always a sustenance.

She is the maid of the princess, and she can stay with her forever without marrying, but the princess can't, she must marry someone, otherwise she will only be ridiculed by the world.

She never knew that there was another world where women were still just children when they arrived, and it was normal for people to marry after twenty.

After reading those things about the princess, a small hope suddenly rose in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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