Chapter 595 Go to bed
"See Prince Consort, Lord Consort, please pick up the Xipa." The maid respectfully placed the tray in front of Sheng Shi.

Sheng Shi glanced at the people standing outside the door, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Everyone is a sensible person, so naturally they won't stay anymore, they just said some words of congratulations, whether it is Tianxin or the current prosperity, they are not something they can afford, so there is no such thing as a bridal chamber.

The old mother proceeded step by step according to the steps she knew so well, waiting for Shengshi to pick off the hijab before continuing with other things.

Since Sheng Shi entered the dormitory, his slightly drunk eyes have been fixed on the red wedding dress sitting beside the bed. When he approached, he was about to lift it up, facing his closed eyes. There was a faint smell of alcohol.

Sheng Shi shook his head helplessly, and sat directly beside her, "Go on, it won't be too late to take off the hijab later."

"But, it's not in compliance with the rules." The old mother on the side stepped forward to report, wondering why.

Sheng Shi glanced coldly, "I just don't want other people to see, if you don't want to do it, find someone to do it, or just go out."

The old mama's body shook violently, and hurriedly took the dried fruit from the maid's hand and put it under the pillow, then handed over the glass of wine, and quickly finished everything,
"I wish the princess son-in-law an early birth to a precious son, and live happily ever after." They said in unison, and hurriedly left with the maid.

Just one sentence makes people tremble all over, and they have no reason to disobey their master's order.

Binglan looked at the vague Tianxin worriedly, looking like she might collapse at any moment, but with the son-in-law around, she still didn't want to worry about it.

Walk out of the room slowly.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Sheng Shicai supported Tianxin's figure, gently took off the hijab, and took off the phoenix crown on her head. The smooth hair was scattered like silk, and with a sudden light on her neck, Tianxin squinted comfortably Eyes, fell on the crook of his arms.

The luster of obsession was reflected in Sheng Shi's eyes, even if the rouge and gouache on his face bloomed, only the original light pink remained on his lips, a light kiss landed on the pink and tender lips, and the faint smell of alcohol spread between his lips and teeth .

Tianxin's back stiffened for a moment, "Shengshi, you're back, go to sleep as soon as you come back, I'm so tired today..."

He didn't take off his shoes while talking, and directly occupied the entire couch in all directions.

Sheng Shi looked at the little man on the bed, unhurriedly took off the red robe, opened the door again, and ordered Bing Lan to prepare hot water.

When the hot soup was ready, the people were sent out directly.

Don't dare to disobey, everyone leaves, and walks far away, bridal chamber night, there is no need for them to guard outside.
For the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, does not affect reading --- for the safety of life, this paragraph is omitted, Does not affect reading ---
The water temperature is slowly decreasing, but the temperature in the bathtub is rising. Sheng Shi always knew that she was slightly drunk, but after a bumpy day, she should be very sleepy, so he let her fall on the bed, but he didn't lie down for a long time.

But Tianxin, who was sleepy, became extra cautious after he came in, for fear that he would pounce on him like a beast. There are too many memories of this kind, but he stops every time...

I don't know if Sheng Shi will kill her while she is asleep.

I really want to move, but I just feel that the soft bed has turned into a nail board by the way, and it is not comfortable to lie on.

"Xin'er, since you haven't fallen asleep, why don't we talk about how you pushed me outside the door last night?" Tian Xin's back froze suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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