Chapter 695

It's all because of the stinky man in front of him, which caused him to have no father. Mommy came to pick him up every time, and he was questioned several times by other children. He blurted out that my father went to heaven and couldn't come back...

Suddenly, a father pops up, and he still deceives the children with his ugly face that is seven or eight layers like him...

That's right, it's really ugly!
This face can be used on himself, and it will be handsome in the future, but when it is placed on this man's face, why does he feel like a flower is stuck in cow dung...

"Xizaki, you can go home and wash it up." Nian Nian raised her chin.

"You go back with me, of course, I don't mind if you take this woman with you, how about it?" Xi Qi stuck out his head out of the car window, bit the temple of his sunglasses, and smiled kindly.

Yang Nuannuan finally couldn't help but explode, clenched his fist desperately, dragged Nian Nian back to his car, gritted his teeth and left a word.


Nian Nian immediately quickly climbed into the back seat of the car, moving swiftly and in one go.

"Mummy, don't be angry, Niannian will never talk to that bitch." Niannian lay on the back of the driver's seat, comforting Yang Nuannuan softly.

"I'm not angry, this bitch is planning to fight a protracted war."

Yang Nuannuan gritted her teeth and clenched the steering wheel, wishing that it was Xi Qi's head, twisting it gently to relieve her worries.

"But, Mommy... what is a protracted war?" Nian Nian looked like a curious baby.

It happened that Xi Qi was driving side by side, and said with a smile, "Nian Nian, the protracted war is, I will keep chasing you until you promise to take this woman with me..."

"Bah, don't even think about it." Niannian lay on the car window, spitting at the silver-white cars driving side by side outside, "Mommy is mine, don't even think about it."

Shizaki frowned.

This stinky brat is so stubborn, he seems to remember that many years ago, Yang Nuannuan also said that Nian Nian is mine, so don't even think about it...

Did the two forget that he is the immediate boss, but it will be a matter of time.

"Nian Nian, you're sure you didn't burn out your brain. I made a mistake at the moment, and I forgive you for the time being—" Xi Qi didn't even look ahead when he was driving, and only cared about comparing himself with Nian Nian in the car beside him.

When Yang Nuannuan discovered this, she spat at him and called him a lunatic. This is the downtown area, and people come and go, so there will always be accidents.

Speeding up suddenly, trying to widen the distance between the two cars.

It's okay for Xi Qi to want to die, but she just doesn't need to implicate her car.

"Who wants you to forgive."

Sure enough, it was a child, and after only a few words, he started to explode, "I'm not out of my mind, that's why I stay away from you, Xi Qi, I said, you are not allowed to appear in my sight again!"

"What are you talking about with him?"

Yang Nuannuan speeded up sharply again, turned the steering wheel sharply, turned into another road, and planned to go back by another route.

Xi Qi discovered her purpose earlier, and also turned to follow at the same time, chasing closely behind their car——

This is already the No. 18 time this month, and it really doesn't work to make sense to such a shameless person.

Yang Nian sat back discouraged, looked back from the car window, the silver-white car was swaying after them, and it caught fire when he saw it...

Like a slug, it can't be shaken off--

"Mummy, what exactly is he going to do?" Nian Nian held her chin, thinking about Xi Qi's intentions.

As long as he doesn't move his mother, give him all the property!
(End of this chapter)

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