Chapter 720
But Shi Yi was entangled in his heart, he was from Huang Ye, and Min Min was a member of the Karl family, would this matter really be as simple as imagined?
Sheng Min was pure in heart, but he didn't think about the significance of the family representative behind it.

A family, as a group, prospers and loses. If there is no interest relationship, this matter will not be so simple.

But asking him to hand over others, even Shi Yi couldn't do it.

Sheng Min was slightly taken aback when he let go of his fingers.

With an arm around her waist, she suddenly understood, and she was secretly happy.

I dare to say that she has been busy for so long, but Tianxin's few words are not useful.

This time, thanks to her help, Shi Yi was able to have time to be free. Her hard work was not in vain.

Accidentally passing by a game hall, the two dragged them in together to play for a long time. In fact, the two-player game cooperated very tacitly, so they won a lot.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when we returned to the villa.

"Shall I go back to my room first?"

"Well, go to bed early."

"Good night."

"Good night."

After a simple two-sentence conversation, they each went back to their own rooms. After a while, the servants sent Sheng Min all the clothes in the car.

Wash, and then lie down quietly to sleep.

Shi Yi didn't hear any movement in the next room, and always felt that something was missing...

In the past, in order to disturb his work, Sheng Min liked to make all kinds of strange noises, sometimes it was music, sometimes it was the sound of knocking on the wall, no matter what, she would make him angry and settle accounts with her, so she was reconciled.

Sheng Min didn't know that instead of causing trouble for someone, he caused trouble for him.

But she opened the curtains, looked at the moonlight outside, supported the back of her head with one hand, and stroked the pendant she just bought around her neck with the other.

Couple style.

Shi Yi took it with his own hands, and there was a matching one around his neck.

He really wanted to go to her room, but she was worried that it would be like last time, he used that unusually severe tone, thinking in his heart, but he didn't act, he just watched the dark sky dotted with a few stars outside.

He jumped up again and lay down on the wall next to him, wanting to hear what Shi Yi was doing.

After twelve o'clock, there was no sound from the living room outside, the servants all fell asleep, and the villa fell into silence after a busy day.

Because Sheng Min didn't make any noise tonight, although everyone was surprised, they thought it was just a good thing.

But in the room, the two masters tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

Shi Yi turned on the computer and looked at it once, but there was no email, it should have all arrived in Ming's mailbox.

Not only can't sleep today, but I don't feel tired at all.

A person who has been busy for a long time suddenly rests, even if it is easy, he also seems at a loss.

No matter how hard I tried to hypnotize, I couldn't fall asleep.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement from his unlocked door, and after a while, someone sneakily walked towards this side, stood in front of the bed and looked at it for a while, as if he was thinking about something...

Finally, there was a burst of pressure on the bed, and Shi Yi instinctively adjusted his breathing, wanting to know her intentions.

"Shi Yi, are you asleep?"

The sound is extremely small.

He only asked, but Shi Yi didn't make any movement.

"It seems that I really fell asleep, why can't I fall asleep..." Sheng Min quietly moved away, ready to go back to her room.

If Shi Yi wakes up tomorrow and finds her beside him, he might get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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