Chapter 746

On the beach, Shengshi held Tianxin's hand. The two stepped on the wet sand with their bare feet. The sun was shining brightly above their heads. A few steps away, three children were chasing and playing. There are some small shovels and other tools used by children...

On another beach not far away, there were many people playing in the water. There were three brothers and sisters. The two sisters were wearing special bikinis and a small size. Sheng Tian was wearing a pair of shorts and mixed in. They were playing games like other people on the beach.

So many days in a row, spent here, even a few white and tender little faces, like cats, darkened.

On the fourth day, Yang Wang was finally the first to complain, planning to run away, and would rather stay alone in the hotel, eating his favorite snacks and watching TV.

Sheng Shi also knew that she had had enough.

Just follow Tianxin's wishes and end this trip.

When the three children are a little older, they will travel alone again. Besides, they have traveled alone before, but there was an extra fake Ming at the beginning. Now that I think about it, I still feel a little unbelievable.

That man named Xiu actually looked like Ming Xue in seven or eight parts.

It was only a half-day journey in the sky, and they flew back to their old nest, Jinhua Villa with ease.

As soon as he got off the plane, Tianxin saw Binglan waiting outside.

"Tianxin, you guys are back..." Binglan successfully caught the three mischievous ghosts, even happier than seeing Tianxin.

"Xiao Yang, Yiyi, Tomato, they have grown taller after going out for a few months..."

Ice Blue sighed.

Yang Wang immediately said, "Auntie, has Xiao Yang grown taller or stronger..."

Lifting her chubby mouth, as if asking for credit, hugging Bing Lan was a fierce kiss.

She relied on still and Sheng Tian's inability to do this trick, so she used her unique skill of fighting for favor and crawled along Bing Lan's arm.

Sheng Shi quickly jumped off the helicopter, caught Tian Xin and walked out together.

It wasn't until his feet hit the ground that Tianxin felt a sense of solidity and ease.

"Bing Lan, I'll leave these three to you, and you can ravage to your heart's content." Tian Xin stretched her joints and relaxed from the bottom of her heart.

It seems that the honeymoon is to suffer.

Not only did she have to run around, but she also had to take care of the three in every possible way, which made her busy.

And there is a flourishing world around, the most difficult one...

"Auntie, we went to a lot of interesting places." She still spoke softly and shyly.

"Mummy bought me a lot of toys." Sheng Tian thought for a while, and got the most when he went out this time.

"Let's talk about it when we go back. I don't mind if you like talking here." After Tian Xin finished speaking, she walked towards the villa by herself.

I would have a baby at that time, because I stayed in the villa for so long that I always wanted to go out for a walk, taking advantage of the honeymoon trip to go out for a walk, and now I finally realized the benefits of home.

What a happy and fulfilling feeling.

Behind her, Yangwang and Still are both entangled with Binglan, and even Shengtian is by her side, usually Binglan treats them best and is the most tolerant of their mistakes.

In fact, it is very bullying...

Chatting non-stop, Sheng Shi did not follow them in, but left directly outside, he had some urgent matters to deal with urgently.

"Darlings, drink some water first. It's really hard work. Look at this little face is tanned." Bing Lan poured them a few glasses of slightly sweet water and said distressedly.

(End of this chapter)

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