Chapter 752 Wait!
Tianxin wasn't worried either, she was completely relaxed with the child being taken with her, and now she had the energy to play with Snowball.

The puppy she raised herself has grown so big without paying attention, "Snowball, little Xueqiu, you have grown so big..."

"Wang Wang..."

Tianxin looked at it happily. This was also one of the gifts Sheng Shi gave her. This time, she must take it away and take it back to play with the little ones...

"Snowball, you have a really good memory. You still remember me, haven't you? If I remembered earlier, you would stay with me for two more years..."

Tianxin carefully recalled some of the past. At that time, she was still thinking, struggling and struggling, but the prosperous age never retreated.

He loves Tianxin as always, even if she becomes so ugly that even as the master himself, he can't stand that face, but Sheng Shi still has never disliked her, he has always loved her deeply, carefully cared for and treasured her... …


Snowball snorted, enjoying it very much.

Tianxin sighed softly.

It's really impossible to say no.

Although Sheng Shi either does not leave, leaving is the important thing, and it is not ruled out whether he will do it himself.

But she believed in him and would cherish herself.

Suddenly felt that she was useless, standing behind her and worrying, she should do something well, because she wanted to stand by Shengshi's side, not behind her...


A Phoenix stronghold in Senna.

The news of Shengshi's return, apart from telling Ming, only this place knows, and with the news from City C, those products from there have indeed quietly flowed into the hands of someone in the royal family, but the specific situation is unknown.

Sheng Shi made a decisive decision and decided to take risks to follow.

If you can't find out, you can't stop it from the source. Just destroying that company is definitely not enough...

Because such a company has faint signs, rising in every prosperous city.

The family in City C chose it because of the delicate relationship between Bloody and Huang, and once escaped Huang Ye's eyes, this was their main purpose.

That night, Jingying was sent to follow the next batch of goods to investigate first, and Shengshi returned immediately after making a decision.

Don't want to draw anyone's attention.

When necessary, he still wants to check up from the Karl family.

Time passed quickly. On the surface, the calm and bustling black market in country X caused another storm because of a new type of crystal trade.

And it has already spread to the market on the bright side, even the Karl family has encountered the same difficulties.

Everyone pinned their highest hopes on Sheng Shi.

Being able to save the Karl family back then was just a crisis this time...

However, Vader knew that this time the matter was much more serious than last time, this was not a family, but the whole country...

Even the customs has entered into a state of strict inspection of incoming and outgoing goods.

Sheng Shi still remained silent, it seemed that being with his wife and children every day was his biggest concern.

Many crises of the royal family rely on the families below to solve them, which is a very effective way.

This time is no exception.

The Karl family, which bears the brunt of the incident, is shooting out the top birds. When this matter is announced, several senior members of the family are like irritable old birds. They have meetings and meetings without interruption, but they cannot find a suitable solution.

But Shengshi only gave one word: Wait!

(End of this chapter)

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