Chapter 800
And Wen Xiaowei, who was sitting on the other side, couldn't help losing her soul, she looked up and became very playful, "Xiaowei, may I lend you a tissue to wipe my saliva..."

Looking up at the professor standing on the podium meaningfully, he smiled evilly...

Wen Xiaowei suddenly came back to her senses, with a look of unnaturalness on her face, "How could..."

"Heh heh... I'm blushing, I think the teacher is very handsome, what's so generous about admitting it..." Yang Wang said with a laugh.

Suddenly, three dangerous sights flew over.

An Yiyang glanced at her badly, and then looked at the teacher on the podium, instantly turning into a line of dangerous people.

Ling Hao's eyes were also on Yang Wang, not on purpose, but out of necessity.

And the third one comes from the teacher on the podium.

Just a moment ago, there was a sudden silence, and the voice of looking up was particularly abrupt. Even the young teacher looked at it with a smile.

There was an embarrassment in the first class, as a sister, Yi Yiran was so helpless.

I always feel that she puts her hopes on the list, but in fact it just gives her more opportunities to perform.

"Yiran, your sister is so cute..."

The girl next to her, who shared the dormitory with her, said with a smile.

A simple vignette.

The whole class is about the introduction of the school and the courses to be studied. It turns out that this is not a real teacher, but a senior who has graduated...

Look up for lack of interest.

The whole class was boring lying on the table, the left ear went in, the right ear went out, shaking his head, and when the get out of class was over, he shook himself to sleep.

Because she was facing Wen Xiaowei, Wen Xiaowei helped her cover up, and even pretended to listen to her, even the senior, walked a few times, but didn't notice...

When get out of class was over, it was time to eat, and An Yiyang pulled them together, or in other words, An Yiyang returned to the brown sugar mode again, just to cling to her...

School life is really boring and easy.

In the blink of an eye, weeks passed.

Life is gradually getting on the right track, looking up to habitually having fun every day, but I haven't seen An Yiyang these days...

There is something strange in my heart.

in the bedroom.

"Xiaowei, have you seen An Yiyang? You haven't seen him for a few days..." Looking up and strolling, he asked eagerly.

Holding a mini-book in hand, playing games while listening to music.

Xiaowei thought she had a sudden sex change, but after thinking about it seriously, it was indeed the case.

"Is there something fun, forget about me, really..."

"...I don't know, but I heard that the school's recent selection of students for the student council may be considered a rather sensational event."

Looking up at the movement of his hand, he stopped, and then understood, "Oh~ so it is like this, he said it a few days ago, but I didn't care..."

"Tsk tsk... I'm just bored to death, and I don't know how to choose a student union, something thankless..."

Secretly despise.

"Would it be?" Wen Xiaowei ate the snacks that Yang Wang carried back, "Should we go to watch, I heard they have prepared a show or something..."


Yang Wang became interested, threw away the game in his hand, and reached out to grab a handful in Wen Xiaowei's snack bag, "Then let's go and have a look, there might be something interesting!"

As soon as they said they would leave, the two immediately slipped out of the dormitory and walked towards the school auditorium.

Passing by a place on the way, the kind of platform set up in the open air was surrounded by water, and there were ear-splitting screams...

Looking up at Wen Xiaowei, who was pounding beside her, "What are you doing there?"

(End of this chapter)

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