Chapter 804 Training
Xiao Pao retreated in front of Yi Yi, and asked worriedly, "Yiyi, it doesn't matter if you want to, then let's rest for a while before running, this can't be forced..."

Yang Wang was suddenly a little worried, Wei was still worried...

If the last one is Yiran, she will replace her, and she will definitely not let Yiran get into that kind of embarrassment.

Still took a few deep breaths, waved his hands, "It's okay, I just want to rest...for a while."

Soft underfoot.

Yang Wang immediately caught her, put a strong arm around her waist, almost able to lift her up, and helped her slowly sit on the stone steps beside her.

And behind them, the two people who also ran slowly, "Looking up, still..."

One is still old friend Ning Qianqian, and the other is Wen Xiaowei who pulled Yang Wang out.

Even though she has been hit many times in the past few days, Wen Xiaowei still has an attitude of not giving up, she just doesn't intend to let Yang Wang go...

With Yang Wang accompanying her to run, she can continue to surpass her bottom line, so that she will be more confident in the end.

"Yiyi, are you okay?" Ning Qianqian looked at Yiran, her face flushed like a drop of blood, and the sweat on her forehead was sticking to her hair, sticking to her forehead, feeling extremely weak...

Still waved his hand weakly.

She still looked up and said for her, "It's okay, I just reached the limit, take a rest, drink some water, it will be fine soon..."

"Looking up, you are too ruthless. You have run so many laps and still have nothing to do. I am really curious, what is your limit..." Ning Qianqian asked with interest.

Still nothing happened, her attention was on the girl beside her.

And still the same girl.

I heard that she contradicted a certain minister of the student union a few days ago, and I don't know if she will avenge her privately, so she will suffer...

But according to her appearance, it seems that there is nothing to do with her!

"My limit—" Yang Wang scratched his temple, seemingly thinking, and said, "I don't know, I just feel comfortable after every run."

"How many laps do you run each time?" Wen Xiaowei grasped the key and asked her.

"Twenty laps, it's almost the runway...hehe..." Looking up and laughing a few times, he really didn't want to hit them.

In fact, they are required to run around the entire training ground, which cannot be measured by a kilometer runway...

"Who the hell are you? Those very powerful agents who often read small books... Is it just you?" Ning Qianqian looked at her in surprise, with a little bit of admiration in her eyes.

The blush on the face of Yi still around him finally faded a little, and he breathed evenly, and smiled weakly, "It probably belongs to the kind of military academy!"

It's much stricter than a military academy.

That's a killer organization.

No matter how much Daddy changes, it can't change its essence, which is an organization whose goal is to kill people.

Every time I think of Xiao Yang suffering in it, my heart hurts like bleeding.

"Military school?..."

Even Wen Xiaowei's eyes widened.

Although they are all the treasures of the family, they have never heard that whoever wants to go to the military academy is still a girl...

The sense of admiration for looking up spontaneously arises.

"Xiao Yang, you are really amazing. You are a guy with terrifying willpower. It's not that you just came back. I was worried about your courses, but now I admire you."

Still did not refute, looking up just chuckled.

In Wen Xiaowei's eyes, this is automatically understood as...
I thought to myself, this is what is known as a genius level person, who usually does not study, but can be the first in the school.

after a few months...

(End of this chapter)

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