Chapter 807 Sophistry
Still frowning, he was very dissatisfied with her in a certain detail.

Looking up, like her name, is very special.

Many people don't like to call out their first and last names. At most, they call them Yang Wang, or Xiao Yang. It seems very tasteless to call them together.

So Gu Yanan came here because of Yang Nian beside her?
Didn't know it at first?

"Hmm... Misunderstanding, it seems quite a misunderstanding." Yang Wang replied weakly.

Seeing that she didn't have the consciousness to turn around and leave at all, I couldn't help being vigilant in my heart.

The most frightening thing is a person who knows how to endure. Gu Yanan was trembling with anger from her repeatedly, but this time she talked to her safely.

She would not think that she had a character explosion, but that she had a conspiracy.

Since she didn't intend to leave, even if she used aggressive methods, it wouldn't be of much use. Instead, it would give Yang Nian a very bad impression.

It's not that she cares about Yang Nian, but that as a friend, she knows how to respect others, especially her own partner.

"Sit down first." Yang Wang pouted and gestured.

A gentle smile appeared on Yang Nian's face, knowing that Yang Wang was doing him a favor.

Although I don't know what conflicts Gu Yanan had with her before, but today he brought him...

In Gu Yanan's lowered eyes, a gloomyness flashed again, and she was very disgusted with her domineering appearance.

But for tomorrow's preparations...

With a smile on his face, he sat in the seat with Yang Nian, and Yang Nian asked, "Xiao Yang, did something happen between you last time?"

Looking up at the shrimp that had its head bitten off, he looked at him nonchalantly, "I wanted to visit An Yiyang last time, and I borrowed your name, but it didn't work, this big sister is like an iron pestle , the bar is on the door of the school's activity center, and I don't even have the strength to sneak in."

"Sheng Yangwang, didn't I say that, the incident last time was just a misunderstanding, I just followed the school's rules... Please don't use this attitude..." Gu Yanan was furious.

Yang Wang glanced at her speechlessly, "I'm too lazy to talk to you, since I like the school's rules so much, Senior Sister Gu, you shouldn't leave school now, but stay in school, study hard and make progress every day..."

Yang Nian frowned, "Yanan, Xiao Yang is just a child and doesn't understand anything, when did you like to care about it?"

Looking up and snickering, "She always likes to plan things..."

"But it's the same as Nian Nian, duplicity, big-tailed wolf and big-tailed sheep walking together, I think it's good..."

"Sheng Yangwang." Gu Yanan suppressed the anger rising in her heart, and said with a smile, "Let's not hold on to this matter, we are alumni, and we need to help each other in the future..."

Looking up and rolling his eyes.

It's really close to--

What she said, helping each other and forming cliques, Gu Yanan would never be so kind...

"I don't dare to say help, but don't tell me you know me in the future, senior. You really make me feel embarrassed. Amnesia is so severe."

Looking up at the grenade that has always been solid, it directly bombed the only reason left in Gu Yanan's heart.

Help her to be tighter, so there is no way to recruit and deal with them...

"Okay, Xiao Yang, everyone is here tonight, so you can just say a few words." Still persuaded.

(End of this chapter)

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