Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 810 Nobody Can Help

Chapter 810 Nobody Can Help

So maybe he was really special to Gu Yanan, sympathizing with her life experience.

Back then, he had the same experience.

But because of his sympathy, it caused her troubles, which was not what he wanted.

"Yang Nian, is it because I'm older than you?" Gu Yanan suddenly stepped forward, hugged him, and asked in disbelief.

"No—" Yang Nian sighed, "Emotions can't be forced, Yanan, I really don't will have male and female feelings for me."

Gu Yanan's tone was full of pleading, "What about now? Can't it be done now? Can you like me?"

Yang Nian gently opened her arms, put his hands on her shoulders, and said seriously, "Yanan, you will find someone who treats you better than me, so don't fall into this fruitless relationship. ,Okay?"

"No result..." Gu Yanan murmured in despair.

He waved his hand away, "Did you come after me to insult me? Since you have no feelings for me, why did you chase after me..."

Turn around and leave.

Yang Nian froze in place with the waved arm, and was about to chase after her, but he heard her say that sentence...

Seeing her figure slowly go away, her feet stopped.

After chasing the past, what can I say...

The eyes are complicated.

Mom said that the members of the Gu family were very extreme, and he also saw that Gu Yanan was actually somewhat similar to the three siblings of the Sheng family, just referring to their looks.

Back then, his mother worked in the Gu family and worked hard to support the family. It was also in the Gu family that he met the mother he looked up to. The things between them did not need to involve the next generation at all.

He believes that looking up to them also does not know.

But when it comes to Gu Yanan, her personality is still so biased, she doesn't know what to say.

The warm wind gently brushed the broken hair on his forehead, turned around, and walked in another direction.

Emotional wounds can only be healed by themselves, and no one can help.


The next day, the prelude to the sports meeting kicked off, and the long-distance running of the whole school, looking up to those who hadn't arrived yet and sleeping in for a while, was called up by Wen Xiaowei.

Since Wen Xiaowei couldn't wake up Yangwang every time, after being late several times, Yangwang gave her a whistle directly.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the strings in his mind suddenly tightened when he looked up, almost subconsciously, and he immediately bounced off the bed.

Washed up quickly, and rushed out of the dormitory in just a few minutes.

On the huge playground, there are countless sportswear gathered. Everyone is gearing up. If you can't be the one behind, then fight for the one in the front. At least you can't be the last one. Run ten laps around the playground with the turtle in your hand.

Looking up and seeing that she was still nervous, she gently squeezed her hand, "Hey, sister, you are dressed so imposingly today..."

"Prestige? You're not worried at all. I'm really nervous." Still not expressing his anger, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, I'm here, what are you afraid of, I believe my sister..." Yang Wang patted her on the shoulder.

Still finally smiled.

As he said that, he suddenly found someone looking at him with hatred...

Looking up and looking sideways, she realized that it was Gu Yanan's group of people. With a flash of her eyes, she realized that there was another person standing in the team over there, Lin Fei'er...

At some point, Lin Feier stood beside Gu Yanan...

The enemy is really narrow.

As soon as he finished speaking, the loudspeaker sounded in the stadium, "Everyone, please organize your team and follow the route we guided..."

Because it is not a pre-designated route, but according to the signs indicated...

Everyone in the stadium occupies their seats and is ready to start.

(End of this chapter)

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