Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 817 A Suffocating Moment

Chapter 817 A Suffocating Moment

As if deliberately punishing Gu Yanan, she always kept the most subtle distance, and there was a tendency to exceed it.

Because she knew that Gu Yanan would never let her go beyond, so that she would use up her strength bit by bit, just like yesterday...

Seeing that she was still struggling to move forward and fell down at any time, the anger in her heart was already clamoring.

If someone abuses me once, I will definitely pay back twice, let alone her relatives.

She will never allow anyone to hurt...

Still standing with Ning Qianqian, her heart almost flew away following the vigorous figure running to the top.

Even Lian still couldn't help being infected by the lively atmosphere on the field, and shouted loudly, "Look up and come on!!!"

In the 3000-meter track and field race, by the last lap, Gu Yanan was close to collapse, but looking up is still the trend of surpassing.

Last lap.

At the place where the finish line could be seen, the corner of his mouth raised a triumphant arc when he looked up, and the speed under his feet suddenly increased.

Gu Yanan was frightened and dumbfounded, only inertia led her to run forward.

Suddenly returning to her senses, she slowly felt unwilling in her heart.

Gritting her teeth, she persisted again, and she wanted to catch up even with the smell of rust on her chest.

Looking up, she raised the speed again, with a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, maintaining the original speed.

let you see hope...

That's right.

Seeing hope, Gu Yanan staggered forward with the last few steps, but she persisted in rushing forward.

200 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters...

It's the suffocating moment!
Gu Yanan was overjoyed, she was finally going to surpass.

Still with his heart in his throat, he shouted loudly, "Xiao Yang, come on!"

Looking up at the feet, the last 50 meters, only three or four seconds, rushed across the red line, with a fiery smile, and loud cheers on the field...

"Looking up, you will win, looking up, you will win..." Wen Xiaowei led the cheerleaders in the stands, clamoring even louder, her eyes slowly showing pride and pride.

Continue to run a lap.

When I returned to the original place, I saw Gu Yanan who was almost exhausted due to the intense exercise, and Lin Feier was taking care of her beside her...

Looking up, I almost didn't have to look up to the sky and laugh.

The group of relatives and friends behind her rushed forward to welcome her back...

"Xiao Yang, you are really great!"

"It really surpassed Gu Yanan from the sports department, Xiao Yang, you are the best..."

"It doesn't matter, just drink some water and rest, and we will continue later..."

Everyone's concerns are rushing in my ears, I look up at the corner of my mouth with a sincere smile, and look at the next project...

Compared with the victorious side, the losing side is much worse.

Gu Yanan, who was looked up and pressed down, looked angrily at the group of people over there, wishing she could rush up and break them up...

But time didn't allow her to think about it any more, she hadn't recovered yet, the second match on the field, another competition area, the high jump had already started...

The numbness in her ankle made her frown slightly.

But when she thought about it, she was not worried about the same Sheng Yangwang.

She absolutely can't let her succeed again...

Thinking from the bottom of my heart, looking at the lively people, but I don't have any confidence in my heart.

A few items follow...

Whether it's high jump, long jump, discus throw, javelin...

News of victories came one after another, even if Gu Yanan tried her best, she could only be looked up and crushed, and the last item, the javelin...

(End of this chapter)

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