Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 824 Great God, Find the Wrong Person

Chapter 824 Great God, Find the Wrong Person
Looking up to surprise, she only goes to the game to play when she is bored, but every time she can kill some rare species, do some tasks, and level up quickly...

Is it because of this reason?

"Master, are you sure you're not looking for the wrong person? I'm just playing around in my spare time, and I won't cooperate with your actions."

When I became interested, this meeting was just when I was free, someone took the initiative to deliver it to my door, I looked up and felt extremely happy.

"Unless there are duplicate accounts, how can I remember wrongly."

Duplicate account...

Looking up at the curvature of the raised eye corners, "What if I disagree?"

As soon as she finished saying this, countless people started swiping the screen immediately, among the so-called matchmaker.

How many people have dreamed of an opportunity, someone jumped out and said——

"Little girl, are you sure you want to raise your proud head and reject Star God's proposal?"

There is irony between the lines.

The highest level of this game is the god level, and this person is indeed a god in the eyes of other players. Playing a game is not only a matter of time and money, but also personal ability.

Being able to play to the god level shows that this person must have his own way.

It's too late for everyone...

Only to meet such a wonderful thing.

But why would Star God ask to form a partner with an ordinary grassroots, this will only drag him down...

Countless people wailed, swiped the screen quickly, looked up at their words, the more they said, the more outrageous, some even tried to grab them, but they were all bounced away.

"This is between us, everyone, just watch..."

Another line appeared in the game chat bar.

Looking up is messy.

This great god is real, but how did he know her.

It stands to reason that although she upgrades quickly, she doesn't play often, and among the piles of players, no one will notice her.

"But I really don't play games very much, are you sure?"

Look up for confirmation.

She doesn't want to be a substitute for others, but if she can have a game partner, it's a good choice.

"So you agree?"



"What do you like about me? Let everyone learn from me?"

Yang Wang has always been merciless with his mouth, but his paws are also merciless.

The hearts of the young girls who were watching were broken.

I am lying on the bed to amuse myself, laughing with all four paws in the sky, and then I have interesting things to do.

Accompanying the great god to fight super beasts, there will be prizes for winning, and after looking up and playing for a while, I found that the other party put all the harvested things under her name.

The euphemistic name is: put it away for me.

However, can the online world really be left to her to guard with such peace of mind?
Moreover, she just squatted aside and watched, and didn't really do anything.

Yang Wang doesn't understand, but a netizen doesn't think too much about it, as long as it doesn't affect her life, what's the point of chatting.

Without Hei Ming around, I always feel that her life is too boring...

It's not as cool as when the two of them went out to do missions together.

After playing for a while, Yang Wang said that he had something to do and quit first.

Star God didn't say much, but just asked, when will you come up, let's do the mission together...

The account of Wen Xiaowei, who had been huddled in a corner and remained motionless for a long time, was woken up by electricity.

Wen Xiaowei immediately sent a message to Yangwang Private Law, "Xiao Yang, you are really lucky. Not only are you accompanied by a male god in school, but there is also a star god willing to bow down under your pomegranate skirt in the game. I am really envious... "

(End of this chapter)

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