Chapter 827 Probing
"Okay, as always, if you want, the master is waiting for you up there." After the waiter finished speaking, he stepped back with a smile.

He also winked at the waiter on the bar counter.

Of course it is an order, you must be careful to serve...

The two sat down, and the bartender served them the best blended wine with great enthusiasm. Looking up and smelling it, you can feel the aroma of the blended wine, which is very pure.

No problem.

"Xiao Yang, do you come here often?"

Since Wen Xiaowei came in, her eyes have been looking around, curiosity flashed in her eyes, but what made her even more curious was that the people in the bar had a very unusual attitude towards looking up.

Looking up, she could also see her curiosity, "This is a friend's place, and I only came here once when I came back from abroad."

Wen Xiaowei immediately understood that it was a friend's place, "Not bad!"

She sincerely sighed.

Yang Wang smiled sadly, "It's very good. When I first came here, I thought so too. At first I saw the name here, and I was curious, so I walked in. I didn't expect it to be just an old friend."

"Wow, Xiao Yang has been out for so many years, and there are still friends who can recognize him immediately..."

Wen Xiaowei sighed beside her.

Looking up is looking at the design here, last time she has already taken into account the structure of this place, it seems that there is a little trick in it, and she can take this opportunity to go in and find out.

Maybe you can get some useful information.

But since she was working under Ling Hao's nose, he must not let him see her real background.

While pretending to be flawless, chatting and laughing with Wen Xiaowei, while scanning the defense here without any trace of peripheral vision.

It seems scattered, but looking up, these people are also specially trained... seems that they are not wary of her.

Even the waiter, the one who was respectful to her just now, did not show any hostility.

Even if it seems to have discovered something...

In the middle of the journey, in the name of going to the bathroom, Yang Wang left the front desk of the bar first.

Looking at her beautiful watch, she only has 10 minutes.

Better go back in 10 minutes if you can...

Quickly took off the clothes on his body, jumped out of the toilet, climbed out of the window, and quickly climbed from the outside of the bar. It was familiar to him like walking on flat ground.

No one noticed that under the cover of the dark night, the small figure flickered quickly, and finally entered the third floor.

Yang Wang quickly stretched out his head, swept it away, then looked back, and looked at the top floor, guarding it very tightly.

Maybe it's possible to get in from there.

Exploration has never been her strong point, her strong point is to do it directly, but now, she can't be discovered by others, and she still returns within the specified time...

It's also a challenge.

The movement was quick and nimble, he jumped in, and finally entered the room on the third floor.

This is a study room with medieval characteristics. It is a completely different world from the bar below. From the furniture to the furnishings, it is full of the characteristics of other countries.

Only then did Yang Wang remember that when he first met Ling Hao, the watch on his forehead and wrist was also a luxurious custom-made watch.

The contact lens in her eyes is her special tool. After a simple scan in the room, she immediately found that an infrared ray emitted a dangerous signal less than one centimeter away from her body.

Taking a step back, she leaned forward sharply, her hands went around to get the infrared rays to support her whole body, and then her body jumped over those infrared rays in a strange arc. There was only one place where her eyes touched, and she felt that she could hide things.

(End of this chapter)

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